Home » News » Jazzchor Dresden’s New Program ‘Part of us’ to Debut at CD Release Concert on April 14th

Jazzchor Dresden’s New Program ‘Part of us’ to Debut at CD Release Concert on April 14th

“Part of us” is the name of the Jazzchor Dresden’s new concert program. As part of a CD release concert, the musicians will celebrate the release on April 14th at the St. Pauli Ruine (Hechtstraße 32). This is the second CD by the choir, which was founded in 2012. It follows the “DEBÜT” program created in 2018.

The Dresden Jazz Choir during a performance

“For us at the Dresden Jazz Choir it is [das Programm “Part of us”] “the reflection of a journey together, shaped by the love of a cappella music and the deeper understanding of one another,” is how the choir describes the background to the CD production on their website. The new program was created during the Corona pandemic and gave the members strength and creative expression at a time when singing together was hardly possible.

The program shows choral music from its modern side. In addition to warm, groovy bass and a multi-faceted sound, the choir also incorporates beatbox rhythms. “Part of us” is intended as an anniversary program to mark the group’s 10th anniversary.

Jazz choral music: modern and successful

Twelve years after its founding, the jazz choir has 45 active singers. At that time he was still performing as a project choir for the aCappella Netzwerk eV. Under the direction of Michael Blessing, the repertoire not only includes well-known jazz classics. Soul ballads and groovy pop titles give the choral music from Dresden its modern character.

Over the last six years, the Dresden Jazz Choir can look back on considerable success. Among other things, he achieved third place at the German Choir Festival 2022 and performed together with entertainer and satirist Jan Böhmermann in Neo Magazine Royale. They now want to build on this with the new concert program.

CD release concert “Part of us”

  • Sunday, April 14th at 4 p.m
  • St. Pauli Ruine, Hechtstraße 32, 01097 Dresden
  • further information: jazzchor-dresden.de

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2024-04-10 07:17:23
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