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Jay-Z compares Michael Jackson to Beyoncé, catches fans’ wrath

Jay-Z created controversy by comparing Michael Jackson to his wife Beyoncé during a live on Twitter …

After declaring that he would be unbeatable if he were to participate in a verzuz (which he never will), Jay-Z has drawn the wrath of many fans on Twitter for daring to compare his wife Beyoncé at Michael Jackson during a live Twitter with Alicia Keys (who presented her new album Keys) and host Rob Markman this December 21. “Bey is going to be mad when she finds out I said that, but Michael Jackson never had Coachella”Hova said, referring to his wife’s performance at the famous festival, before substantiating her point. “She is an evolution of him because she watched him from the age of 9. ” Jay then praised “Beychella”, Name given to Queen B’s performance at Coachella 2018 as well as her musical knowledge. “Find me a gig that’s more culturally relevant and exciting than his Coachella. Beyoncé will be one of the greatest singers we’ve ever heard because she’s a real student [de l’industrie musicale]”. If there is no doubt that Beyoncé is a great artist, some fans have however expressed their disagreement, on Twitter, as to the idea of ​​comparing the 2 artists.

Beyoncé and Michael Jackson in 2003 at the Radio Music Awards

Jay-Z says he is unbeatable in Verzuz!

Michael Jackson fans attack …

Many King of Pop supporters have called on Jay-Z not to put the names of Michael Jackson and Beyoncé in the same sentence. “I love Beyoncé, but don’t go overboard saying she’s better than Michael Jackson”Said one internet user while another wrote:“Michael Jackson never needed something like Coachella in his entire life. Michael Jackson had twice as many audiences as Beyoncé. Mj has had people who literally passed out and were carried on stretchers … no offense to you MJ is unmatched”.

Jay-Z Michael Jackson

… those of Bey counter-attack

In turn, Beyoncé fans then wanted to react by defending body and soul their protégé who often recalled all the admiration she had for Bambi and the influence he had on her, as the next day. of his death: “Michael taught me that sometimes you have to forget the technique, forget what you are wearing. If you are feeling ridiculous, you have to get to the bottom of your tricks, and let it all hang out. Michael Jackson changed me and helped me become the artist that I am. Thank you Michel. ”. In 2009, in concert in Atlanta, she commented on images of her at 5 years old just before attending a Michael Jackson concert, broadcast on the giant screens arranged in the room: “It was the night I saw my hero on stage. I was 5. I had said to my mother: “I want to be like him”. We miss you !” She explained that it had made her want to go on stage. So one could read this kind of comment to defend it: “Beyoncé has more talent than Michael Jackson. You all like to demote her talent because she’s a woman. If Beyoncé was a man you wouldn’t say that”. Jay-Z had previously made similar comments in 2011 during an interview with the show. 99 Jamz : “What I learned from her is similar to what I learned from Mike [Jackson]. I know it’s blasphemy to compare the 2 because Mike was such an innovator – but I think she is of the same caliber”. Are Jay-Z’s words biased by the love he has for his wife? Your turn to judge…

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