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Javier Couso: “The US decides that Guaidó is president, and the EU says ‘yes sir'”

The analyst believes that the tour of the opponent is part of a US attempt. to “give first aid to someone who is already politically dead.”

Venezuelan opponent Juan Guaidó summoned a concentration of his followers in the center of Madrid during his visit to Spain as part of his international tour. Meanwhile, the mayor of the Spanish capital said that they will receive him as president of the Latin American country and they will even give you a golden key.

In this regard, the analyst and deputy of the European Parliament for Spain, Javier Couso, described this action as “insulting”Well, the burgomaster should represent all citizens. “Delivering the golden key to a visitor means that you are praising him […] but this man has only tried to take a coup, “said the expert in an interview with RT.

European Union position

After the recognition of Guaidó as legitimate president of Venezuela by the European Union (EU), Couso considers that in this way the “subalternity” of the block with Washington is verified: “The US decides that this man [Juan Guaidó] he is president because he has proclaimed himself in a square without complying with the requirements set by the Constitution Venezuelan […] and what the EU does is say ‘yes sir’. “

From his point of view, the EU could favor a climate of “dialogue and understanding” between an opposition that accepts legality and set aside the opposition that is “coup and violent”, and that has not obtained the votes of the majority of the population.

On the other hand, by asking him the reasons why the Spanish right continues to support Guaidó after knowing that his self-proclamation was not successful, the former MEP considers that a media idea that a dictatorship is lived in Venezuela.

With this scenario, Couso argues that the right plays with an attempt at comparison in which the left would support a dictatorship. “I, who have been here in all the elections, can criticize many of the policies that the Government of this country has developed [Venezuela] but it is evident that there is no dictatorship here“explained the analyst.

What is Juan Guaidó’s tour for?

In addition, Couso believes that the self-proclaimed president’s tour is part of a US attempt. to “give first aid to someone who is already politically dead” and his presidential possession would be unimaginable in other countries such as Spain.

The former European Parliament deputy referred to Juan Guaidó as a “Undead” that “does not even represent the entire opposition”.

Finally, the politician mentioned several serious accusations of fraud and illicit enrichment in which more than 400 million dollars donated to Guaidó and his followers, who “do not know where they are.”

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