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Jaume Roures: “Barcelona’s accounts have a very important hole”

The owner of Mediapro charges the Catalan club’s economy and rules out running for the presidency

Jaume Roures spoke openly about the great economic loss that the coronavirus represents for Spain and Europe, and pointed directly to Barcelona’s financial problems, something that seems to have gone unnoticed by many.

“We have lost seven billion in Europe and some 600 million here. Add to what is already being lost and what is going to be lost until normality returns. They are irrecoverable losses. Hopefully we will recover that of TV and Let’s prevent the damage from being much greater, “he said on Radio Marca.

“Arthur is happy at Barcelona”

“I have been saying for a long time that Barcelona’s accounts have a very important hole. Nobody seems to worry. You have to add involuntary debts because they are for COVID and the money that will not come back. And it also has to do with the fact that in general now those superficial immoral acts to a certain extent of hundreds of millions of euros are going to end because there are cobwebs in the box and reality is going to impose itself on those desires to throw money in any way “.

“It will happen in football in general and in Barça in particular. No one is going to put 150 million because they will not be there and, if you have to ask for it, the banks will hardly accompany them. The selling club is not going to trust you either and will have its needs. He talks about barter … But as long as it is not those fiscal devices that Barça did with Neto and Cillessen … “.

Banner Telegram Barcelona

In addition, he denied his interest in presenting his candidacy for the presidency in the elections of 2021: “I am not amused. It does not appeal to me. I prefer to do series, documentaries, museums, cinema … I do many things that motivate me much more than being on a board. No aspiration or motivation. “

The return of La Liga

“We have been working hard to make it happen and hopefully something will not come out that twists it in mid-June. Football lives in its cloud and the virus has brought us down to the ground and everyone has seen that times of skinny cows were coming and everyone must collaborate to end the season as worthily as possible and not get worse. The reasonable thing is to end with the sports theme, that the promotions and descents in addition to the title have to do with it. If not, I think you have to apply whatever percentages. “

When does La Liga return?

“The Federation has already made a first impression of who was going to Europe following the classification. As in France, I have not understood why they have stopped the League if there are 10 days left and there are now elections. But they stopped the league and took the classification that was there at the time. “

No fans, but with an audience

“We are going to try something different, we are doing technical tests. Because we have the ambient sound of all the stadiums and we are doing tests to recreate the sound and accompany the broadcasts. We are doing tests to animate the stands virtually. I am surprised that they do not try hard a little more in Germany. He lacks player number 12. All the support, the heat, the fans, a very important part of football. Until we have a vaccine, it will not be the same as before. “

When does the quarantine in Spain end?

Article follows below

“The advantage we have is that it can be played almost every day. Being behind closed doors, it is not conditioned by the weekend. There are more possibilities than a normal season. The strip will be decided by LaLiga. The heat will be taken into account and international broadcasts, there are many parameters, not just one. That there are more days will help speed up the end of the season. “

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