The news of the death of actress and social media influencer Jasmin Voutilainen stopped Finns a year ago. Voutilainen boldly raised important themes. His tragic death raised questions about the state of the welfare state.

Actress Jasmin Voutilainen brought up important themes. AOP
The life of actress and social media influencer Jasmin Voutilainen, 27, ended tragically exactly one year ago on March 17. The news of the death stopped the Finns and once again raised the issue of how difficult it is to get help for mental health problems.
Secret lives Voutilainen, also known from the series, is remembered in public for his sunny nature and, among other things, how he took a stand on important themes. Voutilainen spoke, among other things, about inappropriate messages received by public figures and appearance pressure.
Voutilainen suffered for years from severe depression, anxiety disorder and frequent panic attacks.
“Genuine and golden”
Voutilainen suffered from mental health challenges and depression, especially during the last two or three years of his life.
The anxiety was increased by the publicity and the hate that came through social media. Voutilainen, known from the Miss Helsinki competition and reality TV shows, repeatedly received messages in which her weight was commented on in an outrageous tone.
Despite Voutilainen’s tough challenges, his friends and loved ones remembered him most strongly as a cheerful and caring person with a big heart.
– She was as good a girl as can be and a dear child. A true and golden daughter and sister. For Jasmin, family was one of the most important things and she took care of her own mother and the rest of her family despite her own bad health, the family told Iltalehte last spring.
– Until the end, Jasmin was completely her wonderful self, the way her friends describe her.
Jasmin Voutilainen’s life ended early. Tiia Heiskanen
The last moments
Voutilainen’s friend Laura Mononen told Yle MOT about Voutilainen’s last moments A lost life in the documentary last fall.
The documentary discussed the problems faced by Voutilainen and the writer Miki Liukkonen in health care and the tragic solutions of both.
According to Mononen, Voutilainen was left without mental health help because of his substance abuse problem.
Just a couple of months before Voutilainen’s death, Mononen ended up calling an ambulance for his friend. He had received information from their mutual friend that Voutilainen had cut himself.
– I went to the place and found a really confused young and beautiful woman there. I would never have recognized him as my friend if I hadn’t known whose house I was in. He was in a really confused state, the friend said in the documentary.
At the emergency room, it turned out that Voutilainen was about 1.5 percent drunk, when he was sent home to rest. At that time Voutilainen got the feeling that their lives had no meaning in the welfare state.
– Jasmin herself told me that she can’t take it anymore – that now she’s running out of strength. Then they stopped, Mononen said breaking down.
Those close to them remember Voutilainen first and foremost as a person who cared about others and had a big heart. Pasi Liesimaa/IL
Jasmin Voutilainen is remembered Secret lives – about the role of Aino Kaukovaara in the series. In addition to Salkkarit, he managed to act in the movie Salkkarit Nigtmare 2 – The nightmare continues mixed Saddlein the spin-off. In addition, Voutilainen was involved in 2017 Breakwaterin the series.
Voutilainen was also Miss Helsinki’s first hereditary princess in 2017.
Don’t be alone! Comprehensive support is available for mental health problems and suicidal thoughts. You can find information about support services by phone, online and face-to-face in this article.
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