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Jasa Marga cs Wins Auction, Gedebage-Cilacap Connects Toll Soon


The Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap toll road will soon be built. This follows the determination of the winner of the tender for the concession of the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap toll road.

Quoted from the Ministry of PUPR’s website, Thursday (6/1/2022), this toll road will connect the West Java region with Central Java with a total length of 206.65 km. The investment value is Rp. 56 trillion.

On Wednesday (5/1/22), BPJT has submitted a letter of determination of the PUPR Minister’s auction to the consortium as the winner of the auction consisting of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, PT Daya Mulia Turangga-PT Sarana-PT Gama Group, PT Housing Development (Persero) Tbk, PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk, and PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (the Consortium).

Head of BPJT of the PUPR Ministry Danang Parikesit said the construction of the Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road is a priority project of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). With the winner of this toll road concession tender, it is hoped that the construction will produce quality results.

“According to the message of Mr. President Jokowi and Minister Basuki, 2022 is the year of quality, we all expect this toll project work to have better quality results with international standards,” said Danang.

Furthermore, BPJT Member of the Professional Element, Koentjahjo Pamboedi, added that the Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road section in the construction and operation stages is divided into 2 parts, namely Phase 1 Gedebage – Tasikmalaya, and the construction will be carried out in 2022 until it is completed by 2024.

Then the next Phase 2 of the Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road in 2027 is estimated to be completed in 2029 and later there will be an operating gap of around 3 years.

“With the pause in the construction schedule, the financial close for this toll road investment can be carried out twice, namely the need for the Gedebage – Tasikmalaya segment first, then Tasikmalaya – Cilacap,” said Koentjahjo.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, Subakti Syukur, representing the consortium winning the auction, expressed his gratitude during the auction process for the Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road.

“Of course, all of us consortium are very committed to completing this fairly long toll road, as expected, it can run smoothly and according to the expected results. Hopefully this project will become one of the segments that plays an important role in breaking up traffic flow. future congestion in the area from Gedebage to Cilacap,” he concluded.

The Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road will have 10 Interchanges (SS), namely SS Majalaya, SS Nagrek, SS Garut Utara, SS Garut Selatan, SS Singaparna, SS Tasikmalaya, SS Ciamis, SS Banjar, SS Patimuan, and SS Cilacap.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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