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Japan’s’emergency’ again after 9 months… For metropolitan areas such as Tokyo


On the last day of last year, Japan, which had more than 4,500 confirmed cases, finally decided to declare an emergency again. First of all, it is only for the metropolitan area including Tokyo, starting this weekend. It seems that Prime Minister Suga, who had been hesitant, made a belated decision due to pressure from the local government and public opinion.

Correspondent Yoon Seol-young reports.


Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference during the year that he would review the declaration of emergency.

[스가 요시히데/일본 총리 : (도쿄도 등 1도, 3현에 대해서) 영업시간을 20시까지 앞당겨 줄 것을 요청했습니다. 그리고 정부로서 긴급사태 선언 검토에 들어가겠습니다.]

Prime Minister Suga used the expression “review”, but internally it will be applied from this Thursday after discussion by the advisory committee.

It’s been 9 months since April last year.

When an emergency is declared, citizens should refrain from going out, and restaurants and department stores are asked to close.

Two days ago, the governors of Tokyo and three neighboring prefectures accepted the request to issue an emergency declaration.

Corona 19 vaccine screening also accelerated

[스가 요시히데/일본 총리 : 승인된 백신을 2월 하순까지는 접종 시작할 수 있도록…]

The Prime Minister also took the initiative and said that he would get the vaccine himself.

This is an editorial by the Sankei Shimbun to quickly issue a declaration of emergency and rush vaccination.

Prime Minister Suga accepted both today (4th).

It looks like they have raised their hands under the pressure of public opinion.

In addition, as an exception, Fast Track, which has been continuing to ease the entry of businesswomen with Korea and China, said it would stop immediately if a mutant virus is found in the other country.

Since mutant viruses have already been found in both Korea and Japan, the possibility of stopping Fast Track cannot be ruled out.

The opposition party in Japan criticized “the government’s judgment was too late.”

(Video graphic: Kim Ji-hye)

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