Home » today » World » Japan’s third highest class frigate “Noshiro” has officially entered service! Fight with half the manpower

Japan’s third highest class frigate “Noshiro” has officially entered service! Fight with half the manpower

Reporter Chen Yizhen / full report

Japan’s third most advanced frigate “Noshiro” was delivered to the Ministry of Defense by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on the 15th and officially started “commissioning”. the main force of Japan’s maritime defense in the future.

Japan’s third highest class frigate “Noshiro” has officially entered service. (Photo/Mitsubishi Heavy Industries press release)

According to “NHK” reports, “Nocode” was built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ Nagasaki Shipbuilding, according to the 2019 Military Purchase Agreement of the Ministry of Defense of Japan, and named after the river; the current no. vessels “Mogami” and “Kumano” “All served in the military and are deployed in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, responsible for demining and patrolling; vessel No. 4 “Mikuma” is expected to be delivered in 2023.

The report stressed that because the “superior” FFM can perform tasks such as offshore patrol, anti-submarine, demining and mine-laying, it will be Japan’s main maritime defense force in the future. buys 22 warships of this type and has already received the third ship.



Japan’s third highest class frigate “Noshiro” has officially entered service. (Photo/Mitsubishi Heavy Industries press release)

The latest announcement from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries pointed out that the “Noshiro” has a length of 132.5 meters and a standard displacement of 3,900 tons. It adopts a stealth configuration design and introduces an intelligent and systematic control system. It only needs than half of the previous crew to defend. , Fighting.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries said that in addition to its primary early warning and reconnaissance duties, “Nocode” also has search and demining capabilities as well as expansion space for various systems and can assist in anti-submarine missions when needed.

further reading
Japan’s third highest class frigate “Noshiro” has officially entered service! Fight with half the manpower
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force tripled its military strength and defended the southwest area with “Aegis”
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