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“Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon Downloads Data with 12% Battery Remaining”

Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon has successfully downloaded data before shutting down, leaving only 12 percent of battery capacity remaining. The lander, known as SLIM, made a remarkable touchdown on the lunar surface last week, but encountered trouble when its solar panels failed to generate power. Despite Japan’s Space Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) unsuccessful attempts to fix the issue, they managed to secure crucial data from the lander.

The downloaded data includes technical and image data acquired during SLIM’s descent and time on the lunar surface. Of particular importance is the descent data, as SLIM was equipped with spatial data and software designed to assist in selecting an optimal landing spot. JAXA highly values this capability as it increases the chances of success by enabling probes to detect and avoid potential hazards. One of SLIM’s mission goals was to land within 100 meters of a specific target, and while JAXA is uncertain if this objective was achieved, they hope that the downloaded data will provide the answers.

JAXA has discovered that SLIM’s solar panels are facing west, contrary to expectations, which is likely the reason for their inability to produce energy. However, there is optimism that future circumstances may align to illuminate the panels and allow SLIM to resume operations. To maximize the chances of a successful recovery, JAXA made the decision to shut down the lander while its batteries still retained 12 percent of their full capacity. This precautionary measure was taken to prevent over-discharge, which could hinder any potential restart for a recovery operation.

JAXA plans to provide a detailed update on SLIM’s status at the end of this week. Despite the unexpected turn of events after landing, JAXA expressed satisfaction with their achievements thus far. They are pleased with the successful touchdown and are eager to analyze the acquired data. The agency’s thread concluded with a sense of excitement for what lies ahead.

The SLIM mission represents Japan’s ongoing commitment to lunar exploration and scientific advancements. By overcoming the challenges faced by SLIM, JAXA aims to contribute valuable insights into the moon’s surface and enhance our understanding of its geological features. As the world eagerly awaits further updates from JAXA, the data obtained by SLIM holds the potential to unlock new discoveries and pave the way for future lunar missions.

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