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Japan’s scenery is no longer a large number of scientists are leaving to China to find opportunities | blog post

The British TechHQ website published a review article on the 23rd entitled “Asian Tigers Are Lost – Japanese Scientists Are Ready to Leave”, describing that a large number of scientists seek opportunities in China and affect Japanese scientific research. Japan must create a good working environment to maintain or improve its international reputation. research status.

The article pointed out that in the past 20 years, Japanese scientists have held a “fatalistic” attitude, lacked enthusiasm for their work, and often complained about too little budget or no time for research. In contrast, a Japanese scientist remembers attending a conference in the United States in 2019 and seeing a Chinese professor try to convince a group of Chinese students to come to his center for research. At that time, the Japanese scientist was looking for a job everywhere, hoping to have the opportunity to become an associate professor at a Japanese university. However, for many years, he has been unable to find job vacancies. Later, by chance, he got a Chinese teaching chair, so, in 2022, he chose to go to the local area to look for opportunities.

Japanese research.

Japanese research.

The Japanese scientist said that Chinese scientists are highly motivated and rarely miss the opportunity to publish research articles. Compared with Japan, Chinese society respects science and academics more. Another scientist believes that the significant difference between Japanese and Chinese laboratories lies in communication, and he also experienced a difficult job search before he had to move to China, and finally got a salary that was five times higher than that of five years ago.

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