Home » today » Technology » Japan’s Pokémon official website announced the results of the annual popular vote, Pishen ranked only seventh-Computer King Ada

Japan’s Pokémon official website announced the results of the annual popular vote, Pishen ranked only seventh-Computer King Ada

Pokémon has been loved by many people since its birth, and its charm has swept the world. This is indeed convincing. All kinds of Pokémon with personal characteristics and different styles are cute but have various special abilities, including animation, games, The surroundings also make people love it. To commemorate the annual “Pokemon Day” (Pokemon Day), the Japanese head office launched a referendum locally, and now finally announced the results of the popular vote. Who is the winner this time?

Japan’s Pokémon official website announced the results of the annual popular vote, Pishen ranked seventh only

All the characters in the Pokémon series are quite lovable. Even the author who is insensitive to “cute” will buy the Pokémon series to play it again and again. At the same time, it makes people admire those designers who can create these games. character of. Although most of the time, Pikachu is the undoubted mascot and brand symbol of the Pokémon series, but in this year’s voting in Japan, the championship was given to others. First, let’s take a look at the overall ranking, which is the top 30 in the total score of each region in the Pokémon world:

For the following regional rankings, the author only lists the top 6 for your reference. If you want to view the complete list, you can go directly to the official website of Pokémon of Japan.
Click here for the voting results on the official Pokémon website

Of course, this is only the result of the vote in Japan, and the result of the vote in the Asian region will also be announced on the official website of Pokémon Singapore.Regardless of whether your favorite Pokémon is on the list or not, whether it is far ahead on the list, but you like it, and no one can change my determination to love Useless Carp King(Why confess suddenly)

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