– I am very very happy. This is good news and now the pressure on my shoulders is gone, smiles Takako Ellefsen.
Today came the answer she has been waiting and hoping for. She can stay in Norway.
– She has been granted residence, and they emphasize her connection to Norway in addition to her age, says her lawyer Alexander Nyheim Jenssen to Stavanger Aftenbladwho discussed the decision first.
– The most important thing is that she now gets the opportunity to stay in Norway with her family, the lawyer says further to NRK.
Ellefsen is originally from Japan, and was married to Norwegian Karsten Ellefsen for 46 years.
Her husband died of cancer in 2009, and Takako Ellefsen wants to be buried next to him when she dies.
Ellefsen was initially rejected by the Norwegian Immigration Service (UNE), but then the dispatch was postponed.
Emphasizes “strong human considerations”
In the decision from UNE, which NRK has read, it is stated that strong human considerations are the reason why they are now granting residence permits.
Age, health, Norwegian children and the fact that she has been married to a Norwegian are things that have been emphasized.
The residence permit is granted for one year. But it can be renewed, and it also provides the basis for a permanent residence permit.
UNE does not wish to comment on the matter further on Tuesday.
Takako and Karsten Ellefsen’s wedding photo. The two were married for 46 years, and lived together in Norway and other countries. Karsten is buried in Stavanger, and Takako wishes the same when she dies.
Photo: Thomas Ystrøm
First of all, relieved
The announcement of the decision came unexpectedly to the family.
– I am really surprised, but it was a good surprise, says Takako Ellfesen.
– We are very relieved and very grateful, says daughter Klara Johanne Ellefsen to NRK.
– We have so many friends and family here in Norway who support us. The last six months have been difficult, and now we are more than anything relieved, she says.
The mother has been in Norway while the case has been pending at UNE.
– It has been stressful for her because of her age, so today she is most relieved, says the daughter.
Celebrate with orange juice
The decision will be celebrated, but in a relatively subdued way.
– I hardly had time to breathe, but of course we will celebrate. It will probably be a quiet celebration today, says Klara Johanne Ellefsen.
But the mother is not so sure if there will be much celebration.
– I can’t drink, so maybe it will have to be orange juice or something like that, she says with a smile.
There will be no trip to Japan – at least not at first.
– It is a very long way to travel at my age. I would rather be here and relax with good friends and family.
2023-06-06 15:52:34
#Takako #Ellefsen #granted #residency #Norway