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Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to address North Korea-Russia ties and UN reform at UN General Assembly


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is expected to take steps to check the close relationship between North Korea and Russia along with UN reform at the UN General Assembly.

Japan is also taking active steps to achieve the Korea-China-Japan summit.

This is a report from correspondent Kim Se-ho from Tokyo.


Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met with reporters before leaving for the United States to attend the United Nations General Assembly and emphasized that he would build on the results of the Hiroshima G7 summit last May.

Prime Minister Kishida is expected to emphasize the international community’s cooperation in checking Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the close relationship between North Korea and Russia.

[기시다 후미오 / 일본 총리 : 국제사회에 있어서, 대립과 분단이 아닌 협력하는 국제사회를 만들어 나가야 합니다.]

Regarding the criticism that the cabinet’s approval rating is at a standstill despite a large-scale cabinet reshuffle, he dismissed it, saying he would show the results and not give a fuss.

Meanwhile, Japan will participate in a high-level meeting on the 26th to resume the Korea-China-Japan summit.

This can also be interpreted as a determination to find momentum for dialogue amid ongoing conflict with China over security issues and the discharge of contaminated water in the Indo-Pacific region.

[가미카와 요코 / 일본 외무상 : 대화를 확실히 거듭하면서 공통의 과제에 대해 협력하는, 건설적이고 안정적인 관계 구축을 중일 쌍방의 노력으로 진행해가는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다.]

In particular, due to China’s embargo in response to the discharge of contaminated water, imports of Japanese marine products in China last month decreased by 68% compared to the same period last year. As the damage to the Japanese fishing industry continues to increase, resolving trade issues with China is an urgent issue. It’s one.

In addition, cooperation from China, which has the greatest influence on North Korea, is needed in matters such as the kidnapping of Japanese nationals and responses to North Korean nuclear weapons and missiles.

Future dialogue with China is expected to be a major yardstick for evaluating the diplomatic performance of the new Kishida cabinet.

This is YTN Kim Se-ho from Tokyo.

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2023-09-19 11:49:00

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