Home » today » News » Japanese “Orange Devil” Performed During National Tsai Ing-wen Day Was Praised By Congressman Hua Ken On The Day: Performance Was Very Exciting | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Japanese “Orange Devil” Performed During National Tsai Ing-wen Day Was Praised By Congressman Hua Ken On The Day: Performance Was Very Exciting | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Lu Sumei / Taipei Report

On the morning of this (10th) day, the 111th ceremony of the National Day of the Republic of China appeared in the square in front of the Presidential Palace. Instrumental club of Orange College in Kyoto, Japan which has high international popularity and is known as the “Orange Devil”, President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Qingde were also caught clapping to the beat of the music . Tsai Ing-wen also praised Rihua Ken in his speech during lunch.Today we saw the characteristics of the group members dancing as they played.Full of energy and great performance.

▲ President Tsai Ing-wen attended the National Day Conference. (Photo / Provided by the Presidential Palace)

Tsai Ing-wen’s lunchThe congratulatory group of the Japanese members of Congress on the National Day of the Republic of China said in their speech that they are very happy to meet all the good friends of “Nihuaken” today.Would like to express the most sincere welcome on behalf of the Taiwanese people. In past National Celebrations, “”Rihua Ken” has always been our important guest of honor. This time, after the challenge of the epidemic, after 3 years,”Nihua Ken” came back to Taiwan to participate.He would like to thank President Keiji Furuya and all members of Congress for their efforts in supporting Taiwan with their actions,It once again demonstrated the deep friendship between Taiwan and Japan.

Tsai Ing-wen mentioned that at the national celebration ceremony just now, “Rihua Ken”The parade and performance of the Kyoto Tachibana High School Wind Band are symbols of the friendship between Taiwan and Japan.I think many Taiwanese like it and are very moved. This is called “Orange Devil”The wind ensemble has received a lot of attention in Taiwan.Today I saw the characteristics of the group members dancing as they played, each one is full of performance skills.Full of energy and great performance.

Tsai Ing-wen pointed out that this time the members of the Tachibana High School Wind Band came to Taiwan to perform,Not only the support of the school and parents, but also the support of the girl Bei Yi,The Xiaoming Girls’ High School orchestra took turns to perform and communicate, which facilitated cooperation between the younger generation of Taiwan and Japan.This shows that the deepening and legacy of the relationship between Taiwan and Japan is transversal and intergenerational.He would also like to take this opportunity to thank the team members and all the good friends who have helped.

The Music Department of Kyoto Tachibana High School has been invited to perform at the National Day Conference.  (Photo / Provided by the Presidential Palace)

▲ The Band of Tachibana High School from Kyoto, Japan has been invited to perform at the National Day Conference. (Photo / Provided by the Presidential Palace)

Tsai Ing-wen said Japan will open to free travel tomorrow.Many of our people are looking forward to purchasing airline tickets, booking hotels and preparing to travel to Japan.The Taiwan border will also be unblocked on 13 October.We welcome more Japanese friends who come to Taiwan and promote more exchanges between Taiwan and Japan.I also hope that the members of the “Japan-China Ken” will give a great help to the regular resumption of tourist exchanges between Taiwan and Japan.Rapid healing on the pre-pandemic scale.

Tsai Ing-wen stressed that Taiwan and Japan share the values ​​of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.Each other is an important partner, which is the most important basis of Taiwan-Japan relations. Last month we sent a delegation to the state funeral of former Prime Minister Abe,He would like to thank the Japanese side for their arrangement and assistance. Former Prime Minister Abe is an important friend of Taiwan.His disappearance is sad. All members of the “Nihuaken” Congress,We are also good friends from Taiwan and look forward to continuing to cooperate with all of you.Make Taiwan-Japan relations closer and friendlier.

Tsai Ing-wen said that in the face of the challenges of the post-epidemic era and changes in regional and international situations,We will also continue to strengthen cooperation with international partners such as Japan, the United States and Europe,Together, we will protect shared value and strive to realize the “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” vision.

Tsai Ing-wen also thanked “Ken Japan-China” for repeatedly passing resolutions in support of Taiwan’s international participation.I hope that all parliamentarians will continue to support and assist in the future,Let Taiwan and Japan support each other internationally and make more contributions to the world.

In his speech, President Furuya stated that in President Tsai’s speech earlier,Expressed condolences for the tragic death of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.President Tsai also named former Legislature President Yuan Wang Jinping,Su Jiaquan, President of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association, and Hsieh Changting, Representative in Japan,Attending former Prime Minister Abe’s state funeral ceremony held in Japan on September 27,He would like to take this opportunity again to express his gratitude. also,In the past, many Taiwanese have personally gone to the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association to offer their condolences,In mourning former Prime Minister Abe, he also wishes to thank him.

President Furuya believes President Tsai’s National Day speech earlier was a great speech.Some things in particular moved him. First, freedom and democracy in Taiwan,It will not succumb to any external pressure. Secondly, Taiwan’s free and democratic system is also related to the development of the world liberal democratic system.Absolutely no damage will be tolerated. If Taiwan’s democratic system is destroyed,It is tantamount to damaging the world liberal democratic system. Third,Faced with threats from some countries, Taiwan must join international friends to confront it.To maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and around the world. in the end,President Tsai also stressed that we are all Taiwanese and we must be proud of the Taiwanese.He was deeply moved and admired.

The Music Department of Kyoto Tachibana High School has been invited to perform at the National Day Conference.  (Photo / Provided by the Presidential Palace)

▲ The Band of Tachibana High School from Kyoto, Japan has been invited to perform at the National Day Conference. (Photo / Provided by the Presidential Palace)

President Furuya said that not only Japanese parliamentarians participated in today’s National Day parade,The Taiwan-Japan Exchange Friendship Association Legislative Yuan also participated in the big event, showing that Taiwan and Japan share freedom,Democracy and other universal values ​​are also the best trusted partners. Today’s National Day show,It also includes a wonderful performance by the Kyoto Tachibana High School Wind Band. In fact, 3 days ago,Orange High School members were in the hall of the Presidential Palace when they saw President Tsai suddenly appear.Everyone screamed in surprise and took a photo with President Tsai,For Orange High School members, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.I believe they will become Taiwan’s biggest fans in the future.

Finally, President Furuya once again thanked President Tsai for his special hospitality to the Japanese congratulatory delegation.All members of Japan and China will do their best to strengthen relations between Taiwan and Japan.

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