Home » today » World » January Sees Record Number of Hip Fractures Treated at Østfold Hospital: Surge Strains Capacity

January Sees Record Number of Hip Fractures Treated at Østfold Hospital: Surge Strains Capacity

(on) Never before has Østfold Hospital treated as many hip fractures as they did in January. In the first month of the year, a total of 80 patients with hip fractures were treated at the hospital. 78 were operated on in Kalnes and two in Moss.

– This is an “all time high” in the orthopedic department, says head of department Henrik Bredesen to the hospital’s websites.

Should be operated on quickly

In the event of a hip fracture, it may be crucial that the patient is operated on quickly.

– We always try to operate on patients as quickly as possible, even if we are not always able to operate within 24–48 hours. This is one of the quality indicators for hip fractures, says Bredesen.

The increased incidence of hip fractures has meant that some other planned activities have had to be postponed. In addition, additional capacity has been installed in several operating theatres.

– It’s a good thing it’s not so smooth all year, because our capacity is almost bursting.

– Tremendous effort

Bredesen is proud of the employees’ efforts, that they have managed to mobilize resources at the same time that not too many planned operations have had to be postponed.

– I am happy to see that my colleagues have persevered and provided such good patient care to so many. The nursing staff on post have a lot to do, but they really contribute to people experiencing a difference. They see all the patients, and ensure that they have a good experience at Sykehuset Østfold.

Section leader Eva Tveter is also impressed by the staff’s handling.

– The effort that our employees have put in during this hectic period has been formidable. There have been many tasks that have to be done at the same time and people have lined up and helped each other to get things done, says Tveter.

High average age

The average age of patients with a hip fracture is 82, says Sykehuset Østfold. The majority of falls among the elderly patients occur in their own homes, but younger patients more often fall on the slippery ice.

– One of the reasons why our hospital ranks so high in these statistics and receives so many hip fractures is multifactorial. We have many elderly people in our catchment area, and we know that many have additional illnesses, so-called comorbidities. Among other things, instability, bone fragility and a tendency to fall are risk factors for falls and hip fractures, says Bredesen.

No longer on standby

Due to unusually high pressure of patients Østfold Hospital went on standby on Tuesday last week.

The hospital generally experiences many patients with heart and lung disease and infections. In addition, there are more fractures after the recent challenging driving conditions with many slippery roads and pavements.

– It is not unusual at this time of year. There is nothing that stands out, but we see more of everything, said clinic manager Liv Marit Sundstøl at Sykehuset Østfold on Tuesday.

As of Monday at 1:00 p.m., the hospital will go out of green alert and return to normal operations.

2024-02-12 14:03:44
#Record #set #time #high

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