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January Inflation Mystery and Implications for Czech National Bank Actions

  • The mystery of January inflation. The number can shock and destroy hopes for cheaper loans.
  • Bullying the flip side of investment. The CNB deleted the list of non-transparent funds.
  • The government faces a battle for logistics centers. He has developers and his own MPs against him.

We’re unlocking three of this week’s hit articles and picking the best of the premium content for you.

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🔓 The mystery of January inflation. The number can shock and destroy hopes for cheaper loans

A key moment is approaching, which will probably foreshadow the actions of the Czech National Bank for the entire next year. That is, the January price increase. Even in mid-December, its intensity is almost a mystery to experts. While the CNB expects prices in the Czech Republic to rise by less than three percent at the beginning of the year, there are concerns from the business community and experts that the central bank is underestimating the pace of price increases. The result may be an era of high interest rates longer than the domestic economy is currently prepared for.

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🔓 Pushing the flip side of investments. The CNB deleted the list of non-transparent funds

A company with five hundred crown capital, which can have up to half a billion crowns from small investors under its thumb. All this without any regulation or supervision. An untraceable owner can then be a bonus. This is how a practically invisible part of the investment market infamously known as “fifteen funds” operates in the Czech Republic. Their ranks were at least partially ventilated in November by the Czech National Bank. From the list of administrators of these quasi-funds, which manage billions of assets in the country at will, it deleted fifteen companies that ignored even their only legal obligation. Namely, to send a brief report to the CNB once a year. This is the second more massive “thinning” of gray funds on the market in the last year.

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🔓 The government faces a battle for logistics centers. He has developers and his own MPs against him

It’s starting to rain in the paradise of logistics centers. While developers in the Czech Republic build around a million square meters of industrial and warehouse halls every year, a law is sitting in the Chamber of Deputies that will turn their business upside down. The government is counting on a complete ban on the construction of areas larger than a hectare on the best quality I. and II soil. classes. Developers and industry associations are beginning to attack the law.

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Battle of Dukovany. Americans and Koreans are at each other’s throats, rivals from Paris are laughing

Former Industry Minister Jan Mládek called the canceled Temelín tender a “parody of the Cold War”. The Russian Rosatom and the American Westinghouse competed for the construction of new nuclear reactors in Temelín ten years ago after the withdrawal of the French Areva. Measured through a similar lens, the current Dukovany tender becomes rather “geopolitical nonsense”. The Czech Republic has already eliminated the Chinese and Russians from the competition for the construction of the fifth unit at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant. But this also means that bidders from countries that are geopolitical allies – the United States, South Korea and France – are now competing with each other. Moreover, in a way that probably few expected.

Why naive idiots? We are a social experiment, Roman Týc defends the “tunneled” Parallel Polis

The Holešovice Paralelní Polis, a cafe combined with offices and a lecture hall, is in for a tough winter. Members of a project focused on the development of cryptocurrencies and ideas of decentralization say that Parallel Polis has reached the brink of bankruptcy because it was tunnelled by its former associates. They object to the accusations. According to Roman Týc, co-founder of the art group Ztohoven and the institute of cryptoanarchy Paralelní Polis, Paralelní Polis lost money, which was supposed to serve, among other things, as an additional financial cushion for the winter period of lower sales. “The rent and operation of our premises costs 400,000 per month. As a non-profit organization, however, we have been de facto bankrupt for the tenth year,” Týc explains to e15.

These shares are making money for Křetínský this year. Goldman predicts further growth for them

Betting on shares held by the Vesa Equity Investment fund of Czech-Slovak billionaires Daniel Křetínský and Patrik Tkáč was not a direct path to profits this year. For example, the securities of the Dutch postal and logistics company PostNL have fallen by a fifth since January, and the same applies to the French electronics store chain FNAC Darty. Shares of American sneaker retailer Foot Locker fell by as much as 60 percent at one point. However, one of the companies stands out in the portfolio – its shares have strengthened by tens of percent since the beginning of the year. And according to some analysts, they have room for further growth.

Russian creditors of the Czech Sberbank will also receive money. Including the family of a Kremlin prominent figure

Money from the Czech Sberbank is also claimed by its former clients of Russian nationality, including those with close ties to the Kremlin regime. Of the claims for more than a hundred million crowns, which were reported by Russian creditors last year as part of the insolvency of the failed bank, only a small fraction will be blocked due to sanctions. And on the other hand, a family member of an important Russian politician who was on the sanctions list at the very beginning of the conflict with Ukraine will also get her money.

2023-12-16 04:30:00
#Inflation #surprise #CNB #smeared #gray #funds

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