ětlo. „Vždycky jsem byl spíš takový vážný, trochu melancholický. Ale u Betlémského světla jsem se naučil být laskavý. Protože ten film je o lásce, o tom, jak je důležité se mít rád a být laskavý k sobě i k druhým,“ vysvětluje Svěrák.
Jan Svěrák je známý především díky svým filmům, jako je Kolja, Tmavomodrý svět nebo Jízda. Jeho tvorba se vyznačuje humorem, citlivostí a schopností vyprávět příběhy, které oslovují diváky po celém světě. Své umělecké nadání však neomezuje pouze na film, jak dokazuje i jeho nová kniha Světakrásy.
Kniha je plná osobních zkušeností, zamyšlení a poezie. Svěrák se v ní věnuje tématům jako je divadlo, cestování, láska a vnitřní cesta každého člověka. Svým čtenářům nabízí inspiraci k hledání krásy ve světě i ve vlastním nitru.
Jan Svěrák je nejen talentovaným režisérem, ale také výborným spisovatelem. Jeho nová kniha Světakrásy je důkazem jeho literárního nadání a schopnosti vyjádřit své myšlenky a pocity prostřednictvím slova. Věříme, že tato kniha osloví nejen fanoušky jeho filmů, ale i širší veřejnost, která ocení jeho hluboké a inspirativní myšlenky.
Světakrásy je kniha, která vás zaujme svou originalitou a hloubkou. Jan Svěrák v ní otevírá svou duši a nabízí čtenářům možnost nahlédnout do světa, který je plný krásy a inspirace. Pokud hledáte knihu, která vás osloví a pobaví at the same time, Světakrásy je pro vás to pravé.
Jan Svěrák je umělec, který dokáže oslovit svým dílem široké spektrum lidí. Jeho filmy jsou oblíbené nejen v České republice, ale i v zahraničí. Jeho nová kniha Světakrásy je dalším důkazem jeho talentu a schopnosti vyprávět příběhy, které oslovují a inspirují.
Jan Svěrák je nejen režisérem, ale také spisovatelem. Jeho nová kniha Světakrásy je důkazem jeho literárního nadání a schopnosti vyjádřit své myšlenky a pocity prostřednictvím slova. Věříme, že tato kniha osloví nejen fanoušky jeho filmů, ale i širší veřejnost, která ocení jeho hluboké a inspirativní myšlenky.
Jan Svěrák je umělec, který dokáže oslovit svým dílem široké spektrum lidí. Jeho filmy jsou oblíbené nejen v České republice, ale i v zahraničí. Jeho nová kniha Světakrásy je dalším důkazem jeho talentu a schopnosti vyprávět příběhy, které oslovují a inspirují.
Jan Svěrák, the renowned Czech filmmaker, has recently released a new book titled “Světakrásy.” In this book, Svěrák explores various forms of art, including theater, which he initially did not appreciate. However, after delving into the world of theater, he began to enjoy it and realized that it offered something different from film. According to Svěrák, theater is about being present in the moment.
“Světakrásy” is a collection of stories, poetry, reflections, and descriptions of dreams. Svěrák believes that beauty is always around us, but it depends on our mindset and how we choose to perceive it. By focusing on the positive aspects of life, we can find beauty in everything.
The book also delves into Svěrák’s personal journey and the challenges he has faced. He discusses how societal expectations, such as the pursuit of success and popularity, can limit individuals. Svěrák highlights the negative aspects of seeking attention, such as the desire for validation on social media.
One chapter of the book is dedicated to Svěrák’s travel experiences. While he used to be curious about exploring new cities, he now finds more excitement in exploring his inner self. Svěrák believes that true discovery lies within oneself and the exploration of one’s mind.
In addition to his writing, Svěrák is also an illustrator. He recalls his childhood memories of drawing with his father, Zdeněk Svěrák, who is also a renowned Czech artist. Svěrák fondly remembers his father’s talent and how he admired his drawings as a child.
During an interview, Svěrák reminisced about a moment from his childhood when his father took him to the set of the film “Vesničko má středisková,” directed by Jiří Menzel. As a ten-year-old boy, Svěrák accidentally appeared in a shot, which led to the director shouting at him. This experience made Svěrák realize that he did not want anyone to yell at him like that again and sparked his ambition to become a director himself.
Svěrák describes himself as a contemplative director, and he admits that he became more kind-hearted during the making of his latest film, “Betlémské světlo.” He emphasizes the importance of enjoying the filmmaking process rather than solely focusing on the end result. Svěrák was surprised by the lack of audience interest in “Betlémské světlo” when it was released in theaters. However, he remains hopeful that more people will watch it on television after Christmas.
In the interview, Svěrák also discusses his trip to Papua, Indonesia, where he helped save a close friend from cannibals. He also mentions a recent film he made on his mobile phone for his loved ones and his new theater project, “Dobré ráno s Findou.”
Jan Svěrák’s book ”Světakrásy” offers readers a glimpse into his artistic journey, personal reflections, and experiences.
How does Jan Svěrák emphasize the importance of love and kindness in his book “Světakrásy”?
Ial media, and emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself.
Throughout the book, Svěrák emphasizes the theme of love and kindness. He believes that by loving ourselves and being kind to others, we can create a more compassionate and harmonious world. According to Svěrák, his film “Betlémské světlo” taught him the importance of kindness and love.
Jan Svěrák is not only a talented filmmaker but also a skilled writer. His ability to express his thoughts and emotions through words is evident in “Světakrásy.” The book is a testament to his literary talent and is sure to resonate with both fans of his films and a wider audience.
“Světakrásy” is a captivating and profound book that offers readers a glimpse into the world of Jan Svěrák. It is a testament to his artistic prowess and his ability to tell stories that inspire and resonate with people. If you are looking for a book that will both touch your heart and entertain you, “Světakrásy” is the perfect choice.
Jan Svěrák is an artist who has the ability to reach a wide range of people through his work. His films are beloved not only in the Czech Republic but also internationally. With ”Světakrásy,” Svěrák showcases his talent and storytelling skills once again, providing readers with captivating and inspirational stories.
Overall, “Světakrásy” is a testament to Jan Svěrák’s artistic abilities, both as a filmmaker and a writer. The book is a collection of heartfelt stories, introspective reflections, and beautiful