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Jan Rot gives medical update: ‘I’m not getting better’

Rot, 63, was operated on in May to remove a large tumor from his intestines and stomach.Beeld Nosh Neneh

Rot, 63, was operated on in May to remove a large tumor from his intestines and stomach. He has recovered well from that, but a new scan shows ‘metastases everywhere’. The news is hard on him, he writes.

‘How much time I have left will become clear on its own,’ Rot continues. The singer is not very bothered by it, except that he gets tired faster. He plans to continue performing as long as he can. In September he will be in the theater with his show OK BOOMER. And in the meantime he tries ‘with a lot of love, peace and a bit of gallows humor to learn to accept the sledgehammer blow for my beautiful family.’

In May already let Rot know that he is ill. He then posted a photo of him looking seriously emaciated. ‘Hi friends, didn’t look so skinny lately. We are now on exciting days and working on recovery. I’m not there yet, but getting there. Until then, take a break here.’

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