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Jan Jambon does not want to become entangled for Flanders: “First …

While Wallonia and Brussels are taking stricter measures, Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon first wants to await the effect of the current measures. If those measures would have insufficient effect, Jambon would like to “make adjustments”. He said that in The Seventh Day.

Brussels minister Elke Van den Brandt (Groen) meanwhile asks that the Flemish community, like the French community, extend the autumn holidays. Jambon does not want to “anticipate” that decision.

While both the Walloon and Brussels governments have taken stricter measures in recent days in the fight against the coronavirus, the Flemish government is currently sticking to the agreements made at the last Consultation Committees.

Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon first wants to await the effect of these measures before taking additional steps. “It takes 10 to 14 days to see the effect of measures,” said Jambon in the Seventh Day. “Let’s first see whether the effect also converts into a curve bending.”

Jambon acknowledges that the numbers are going in the wrong direction and that the health system is under pressure. “But by taking additional measures today, you are not going to solve that”. Jambon wants to “keep a cool head”. “You shouldn’t be afraid to take measures, but you shouldn’t take excessive measures,” he says.

Extend autumn holidays

In The Seventh Day, Brussels minister Elke Van den Brandt (Green) urged Flanders to extend the autumn holidays, just like the French community, in order to slow down the spread of the virus. On the Flemish side, that boat has so far been held off.

According to Jambon, Minister of Education Ben Weyts “keeps his finger on the pulse”. He does not want to get ahead of the matter himself. Jambon repeats that the school is a “controlled environment”. “When children are not in education, they are elsewhere. If you let the kids out on the street. Then you have no control over that ”, says Jambon.

According to Jambon, a new lockdown like in March is not necessary at the moment. According to him, the situation and knowledge about the virus is also different now. “But never say never,” said Jambon. He expects that the measures taken will have an effect on the curve. if that is not the case, “then we will have to make adjustments”, it sounds.

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