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Jamie Spears hired another lawyer for the case against his daughter

Friday October 22, 2021 | 6:00 a.m.

Despite losing guardianship over his daughter Britney Spears, her father Jamie hired a new experienced attorney for his legal team. The singer’s defender will analyze her role as a curator during the last 13 years of the artist’s career.

As it turned out, the chosen one was Alex Weingarten, partner in the litigation department of Willkie Farr & Gallagher, who was hired by Jamie Spears to represent him in the battle he has with his daughter He was suspended as guardian of his 39-year-old daughter last month, after his attorney accused him of financial mismanagement. The artist’s father denied allegations of misconduct while serving as his daughter’s guardian, stressing that he only acted to achieve the singer’s best interest.

In the ruling in favor of the pop star, which allowed the suspension of the guardianship in charge of the father, Judge Brenda Penny considered the requests presented at the last hearing of the case, which took place on July 14. There the pop star detailed the numerous personal restrictions she lived with under the agreement which she called “bloody cruelty.” “I just want my life back. 13 years have passed and it is enough ”, he had said.

Britney, calmer, thanked her fans and the #FreeBritney movement for “liberating” her from the tutelage of her father that lasted throughout her professional career. “I cried last night for two hours because my fans are the best … I have no words, thanks to you and your constant resistance to free me from my tutelage, my life now goes in that direction,” he wrote. Next, he told his followers that he spent a few days enjoying his free time in Polynesia.

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