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James Webb’s Telescope. NASA showed the first photo

NASA showed one of the first images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. It happened more than half a year after the revolutionary device was launched into space, which is to present the next secrets of the Universe.

Although in winter we had the opportunity to see the image captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, one of the first “serious” color photos from it was presented on Tuesday at 0.20 Polish time. The photo was unveiled during a briefing at the White House. It was attended by US President Joe Biden and US Vice President Kamala Harris. The boss talked about the details NASA Bill Nelson. The image shows the galaxy clusters in SMACS 0723.

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First image from James Webb’s telescopeNASA

The premiere of the next groundbreaking paintings is scheduled for Tuesday at 10.30 am EST (in Poland it will then be 4.30 pm). The event will be accompanied by press conferences of NASA scientists.

List of first objects

Earlier, NASA released a list of objects whose images and spectra will be presented. They were selected by an international committee composed of representatives of NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

In the case of SMACS 0723 we deal with the phenomenon of gravitational lensing. The massive galaxy cluster magnifies and distorts the light of objects behind it, allowing you to look at extremely distant and extremely faint galaxies.

The list includes the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372), the exoplanet WASP-96 b, the South Ring Nebula (NGC 3132, also known as the Eight Shattered Nebula), the Stephan’s Quintet galaxy group, and SMACS 0723 gravitational lensing.

The Carina Nebula is one of the largest and brightest nebulae in the sky. It is located approximately 7,600 light-years away towards the constellation Kila. It is known to be the home of many massive stars.

WASP-96 is a giant gas planet located outside the solar system. It orbits a star 1,150 light-years from Earth, making it with a period of 3.4 days. The object is about half the mass of Jupiter, and it was discovered in 2014. In this case, NASA will present its specter.

The South Ring Nebula belongs to the category of planetary nebulae. It is a gas cloud around a dying star. This nebula is almost half a light-year in diameter, and is about 2,000 light-years away.

Stephan’s Quintet, on the other hand, is a much more distant object, 290 million light years from us. It is the first compact group of galaxies discovered by Édouard Stephan in 1877.

Last week, the US space agency showed the last test image sent by the telescope. However, it was not made by the space observation device, but by the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS).

Hubble’s successor

The James Webb Space Telescope is a ground-breaking observatory created by scientists from NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency. The machine is a more advanced and powerful successor to the Hubble Space Telescope.

Astronomers hope that thanks to the telescope it will be possible, among other things, to study the atmosphere of planets outside the solar system for signs of life and to spot the first stars and galaxies formed around 200 million years after the Big Bang.

The telescope weighing more than 6.3 tons was launched in kosmos On December 25, 2021, it reached the point L2, an orbit 1.5 million kilometers away from our planet, i.e. almost four times further than the Moon.

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