The James Webb Space Telescope, along with its predecessor, the Hubble, has made an extraordinary discovery. These powerful telescopes have observed a super-long gamma-ray burst (GRB) that occurred millions of years ago when two dense neutron stars collided. The result of this collision, as detected by the telescopes’ instruments, was the creation of pure gold.
Neutron stars are a rare phenomenon that occurs after supernovas, the explosions associated with dying stars, but do not turn into black holes. Just recently, the James Webb Space Telescope detected a neutron star at the center of a well-known supernova that scientists had believed existed but were unable to see until now.
When these small and dense balls of mass collide, it is expected that something significant would happen. With the help of the James Webb Space Telescope and the Hubble, scientists from the University of Rome were able to witness the bright shine, known as a kilonova, of heavy elements like silver and gold that were created during the merger of these dead stars.
Astrophysicist Eleonora Troja from the University of Rome expressed her excitement about studying this kilonova using the powerful eyes of the telescopes. She stated, “This is the first time we’ve been able to verify that metals heavier than iron and silver were freshly made in front of us.”
The collision of two neutron stars results in a massive explosion called a Kilonova. These incredibly powerful blasts forge some of the heaviest elements in the periodic table, including gold, platinum, and uranium.
In most cases, longer GRBs are associated with the death of a single star rather than the merger of two. However, in the case of GRB 230307A, which was discovered by Italy’s Fermi mission in 2023 and is the second-longest energy burst ever detected at 200 seconds, this convention is being challenged.
A new research study published in the journal Nature reveals that when neutron stars exist in binary pairs, as was the case with this GRB and its associated kilonova, known as AT2017gfo, their collision not only contributes iron and silver to the elemental building blocks of the universe but also gold.
Yu-Han Yang, the lead researcher from the University of Rome, explains that neutron star mergers could create an ideal environment for synthesizing heavy elements. This process is currently beyond artificial creation. Studying neutron star mergers allows scientists to gain a deeper understanding of nucleosynthesis, the formation of new atomic nuclei that occurred in the first seconds after the Big Bang.
This flash-bang fusion resulting in the creation of gold may not only be a cosmic magician’s trick but also provide valuable insights into how the universe was formed.
The discovery made by the James Webb Space Telescope and the Hubble opens up new possibilities for understanding the origins of heavy elements and the processes that shape our universe. By peering into the depths of space, these telescopes continue to amaze us with their ability to uncover the secrets of our cosmic past.