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James Franco breaks the silence and talks about the sex scandal that overwhelmed him

James Franco go back to talking about sex scandal that swept him a few years ago. The actor was charged with sexual harassment soon after winning the Golden Globe in 2018. Five women (including four students from his drama school) sued him for inducing them and other girls to strip off during auditions and simulate explicit sexual acts.

The case is now closed: in fact, at the beginning of 2021 Franco reached a private agreement with his accusers (People speaks of a figure of over two million dollars, ratified last February). Now the actor is back on the subject during a river interview for The Jess Cagle Podcast and confessed her addiction to sex, to be able to live the relationship with serenity Isabel Pakzad, which has been going on since November 2017, and has not denied having had consensual sex with some of her students.

“I’ve had girlfriends – he said – but I’ve never been faithful. I betrayed them all before Isabel”. Then he added: “But I didn’t want to hurt anyone.”

Then, going into specifics, he said that having slept with some female students “was wrong. But, as I said, that’s not why I started the school activities and I wasn’t the person who selected the people who attended. lessons. So there was no plan from me. “

“There were situations where I was involved in a consensual relationship with a student and it didn’t have to happen – added the actor and director – At the time I was not lucid, as I said. So I guess my criteria were: If this is consensual I think it’s fine. We are all adults, so … “.

According to Franco, those situations were linked to his psycho-physical state altered by addiction to alcohol and substances. “I was dealing with things and also my addiction. And I used my rehabilitation path to kind of start looking at the situation and changing who I am,” she explained.

One of the accusers, Sarah Tither-Kaplan, after the statements he tweeted: “The apology is meaningless until concrete action is taken in favor of the survivors. Making a general fine with a ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I was wrong’ or ‘I love women’ and so on does not help people who have been injured. When abusers exclude victims from their speeches they cause even greater pain. Removing the survivor from trial is still a real problem. “

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