Avatar: The Way of Water Not only does it score well with audiences, but the sequel is also at the box office Avatars at the top of the list. Director James Cameron celebrates this fact and rails against streaming services for the occasion.
cinema vs. streaming services
During an interview with Variety on the red carpet, the director says that the second part of the Avatarsseries proves once again that cinema will always win over streaming services.
Two billions
“We’ll be back in theaters around the world”Cameron says. “Even in China, where they are having a big covid wave right now.”
“We say as a society: ‘We need this! We need to go to the movies!’said the Avatar director of the large numbers that flock to theaters for his film. The sequel continues to score and is now even approaching two billion dollars!
Then Cameron throws a sneer at streaming services: “Stop streaming! I’m tired of sitting on my ass.”
Avatar: The Way of Water you can see it in the cinema.