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James Bond and Glasgow

This weekend the new world climate conference took place in Glasgow, and there have been prominent world leaders, with Joe Biden at the head rectifying Trump, to expose his good intentions after enduring, to top it off, children who have not done his homework well, he reprimanded her for her passive behavior in the implementation of the commitments of the previous Paris Conference of 2015, with the Portuguese Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, in the role of grumpy professor.

It was the English Prime Minister, the eccentric Boris Johnson, who most naturally expressed the catastrophic situation that can come against us at this rate, resorting to an anguished metaphor with His Majesty’s most famous agent as the protagonist, now apparently in question by his new masculinity. The planet, Johnson came to say, is tied to a time bomb, like the one placed on the secret agent James Bond, and all the rest of us are in the position of the hero to try to find out the code that deactivates such a weapon of mass destruction. .

The problem, seen from a totally profane perspective, is that we do not have anyone who even looks like a Sean Connery (although some of them believe it from time to time) to defuse the bomb, nor do we have an enemy as a clear target where aim the gun. Rather, it would be said that the problem of pollution and the progressive warming of the planet has various determinants, ranging from the generalized abuse in the exploitation of raw materials (and some of its main culprits, did not even bother to assist ) to the way of life of this market society that we have given each other and that, each one in his own way, it does not seem that we have much interest in amending.

That is why, among other things, in the end these meetings at the highest level, where good intentions abound, are so disappointing (it is curious how the famous blah blah blah of Greta Thumberg was repeated only months later by a guy so different from she like Johnson) without reaching an effective protocol that monitors, analyzes and penalizes excess emissions in real time. As in so many things, here too politics and action are lacking, and I fear that our admired Bond, James Bond, is already as in decline as the very society he must save.

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