Home » today » Health » Jalisco will not apply Abdalá vaccine against Covid-19 – El Sol de Tlaxcala

Jalisco will not apply Abdalá vaccine against Covid-19 – El Sol de Tlaxcala

Because it is not endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO)the Jalisco Ministry of Health (SSJ) refuses to apply the Abdullah vaccine against him Covid-19 sent by the Federal government to Social Security (IMSS and ISSSTE) instances.

Through a statement, the SSJ justifies avoiding placing the biological of Cuban origin since “there is, to date, no evidence of its efficacy and safety, neither as an initial scheme nor as a reinforcement.”

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After the IMSS confirmed that they have said biological in the medical units, the state agency indicated that it did not receive a single dose of Cuban origin.

The government of Jalisco, through the head of the Ministry of Health, Fernando Petersen Aranguresent an official letter to the head of the Federal Health Secretariat, Jorge Alcocer Varelaexpressing that they do not accept the dose of the vaccine Abdullah against him Covid-19.

“In Jalisco, this vaccine will not be received for the aforementioned reasons. To date, that decision is maintained and not a single dose has been received,” he said.

Petersen Aranguren, stated that “the population must have all this information about the Abdalá vaccine so that he can decide whether or not to apply it”.

The Federal government in charge of vaccination against coronavirus in the country, through roadrunner strategy put the Abdullah vaccine available to federal health institutions.

In Jalisco, eight out of every 10 people over 18 years of age have full scheme of the vaccine against Covid-19 (one or two doses).

Las vaccines that have been applied from 2021 to date are of AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Pfizer-BioNTech, tiresome y Modernall with the endorsement of the OMS.

Published in the western

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