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Jair Bolsonaro rejects Argentine aid due to floods in the state of Bahia

The government of President Alberto Fernández offered, through the ambassador in Brasilia Daniel scioli, the dispatch of a mission of specialists to help the state of Bahia where the storms caused 24 deaths and the displacement of 91 thousand people.

“The fraternal Argentine offer, very expensive for Brazil, occurs when the Armed Forces, in coordination with Civil Defense, were already providing that type of assistance to the affected population, even with the support of 3 helicopters from the Navy and the Army,” he added. the Brazilian president.

Relations between Bolsonaro and Fernández are not very fluid, as reflected in the fact that they never met in person.

The governor of Bahia, Rui Costa, had thanked Buenos Aires for the offer and asked Bolsonaro to approve it.

Meanwhile, Scioli affirmed that “bilateral relations are not affected in any way.”

“The letter sent by the Itamaraty Palace (Brazilian Foreign Ministry) was in the best terms and is consistent with the best moments of cooperation in the relationship between Argentina and Brazil, which, beyond ideological differences, has made strong progress in all areas” , He said.

The ambassador assured that “we have to put things in their place” and said that the Brazilian government appreciated the offer of Argentine aid and that, “when the time came, they were going to accept it.”

“They appreciated the willingness to help and said that, if necessary, they knew they could count on Argentina,” he said, for whom the decision was exclusively technical.

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