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Jail sentences for threatening Frenchwoman who criticized Islam

Eleven people have been convicted in France for online threatening French Mila (18), who received death threats as a teenager after criticizing Islam. The convicts received suspended prison sentences of between four and six months.

Mila was 16 when she posted her first video about Islam on Instagram, in which she said Islam is a religion of hate. Just before that, she had rejected the advances of a Muslim in another video. Mila is a lesbian. She was subsequently taunted for her sexual orientation and called a racist.

Since then, she has received 100,000 hate messages, according to her lawyer. They threatened to rape her, throw acid in her face and bury her alive. Her address and school were announced on social media. She also had to change schools because of the threats. Now the woman has 24-hour police protection.

Right to blasphemy

The convicts must also pay compensation to Mila. “We have won and we will win because what I want is that together we will never give up,” Mila said after the Paris judge’s ruling.

The case sparked a fierce debate in France between those who support her and point to freedom of expression and critics who believe Mila has gone too far. President Macron stood up for her by stating that the French have the right to blasphemy.

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