On August 30, 2019, the wedding procession caused a lot of nuisance in Rotterdam. An officer had therefore parked the cars. One of the participants in the parade punched the officer from behind, causing the police officer to lose consciousness.
Many people saw the incident and later refused to cooperate with the investigation. According to the OM, the three suspects ordered the people in the wedding procession to declare that they were stoned or that they just looked the other way. Also, no one was allowed to say where the suspect of beating the officer was hiding and the stories were mutually coordinated.
Last year, 27-year-old Shahid B. was sentenced to one and a half years in prison for assaulting the officer, of which six months were suspended. After his detention, he is also obliged to undergo treatment in an institution for people with intellectual disabilities. In addition, he must pay the victim compensation of 4000 euros.
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