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Jaguar to Cease I-Pace Production and Focus on New Electric Models

British sports car manufacturer Jaguar will stop production of the electric I-Pace crossover in the first half of 2025, but Jaguar is not giving up electric models per se – they will simply offer other models. In the interview Autocar CEO of Jaguar Land Rover Group, Adrian Mardel, revealed.

Such a statement from the new company boss contradicts the manufacturer’s previous statement that the I-Pace will be continuously improved and will remain on sale. The possibility that a second generation model will also be created was assumed. This was expressed by the previous executive director, Thierry Bolloret – probably a new broom is cleaning its own way.

It is not yet known exactly when the last copies of the I-Pace will be produced, because the manufacturer has yet to find out when the new generation of electric models will be launched on the market, which will actually replace the I-Pace. For now, it is planned that the first model of the new generation will debut at the end of next year and will arrive at customers in 2025. Several more electric Jaguars will follow. These models are already being built on the new JEA platform of the concern, specially designed for electric cars.

Mardell points out that the I-Pace plays an important role in the automaker’s history, as it helped Jaguar understand what it means to develop a battery-electric car, but the lessons learned are already being applied to future models.

2023-08-21 09:00:00
#Jaguar #abandon #electric #IPace #offer #electric #models

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