Today, another book lifts the veil on a very dark drama in the artist’s life that has remained secret until now. In Because silence always killspublished by Flammarion, Valérie Lehoux, journalist at Telerama, reveals that the author and interpreter of “Champagne” and “Fallen from the sky” was sexually abused as a child. For five years, when he was only ten, he was raped by a man who was also his mentor, says The Parisian. This is Bob, a musician, stuntman and actor who introduced Jacques Higelin to all kinds of disciplines, including musical comedy.
Strong emotion at the funeral of Jacques Higelin, where his children and the crowd began to sing
The man was tried, convicted and died in prison. But the singer had never said anything about what he had endured, until in 2011 he spoke about it confidentially to Valérie Lehoux, a specialist in French song, with whom he formed a great friendship according to the interviews. “Jacques Higelin wanted him to be able to help others speak up”, she confides to the Parisian. A confession accompanied by a constraint: not to reveal this secret before his death.
The journalist waited five years before making the information public.