Home » today » News » Jacques, 74, resident of Bièvre, is destroyed: his house was completely SACKED with drain oil

Jacques, 74, resident of Bièvre, is destroyed: his house was completely SACKED with drain oil

You have reported it to us via the orange Alert us button. At 74, Jacques lost everything. During the holiday season, he was away from his home in Graide, in the town of Bièvre (Namur) for a few days. On his return from vacation, he found his house completely ransacked. The septuagenarian says he knows the manager.

A ransacked house, waste oil spilled on the floor, on the windows and walls. Impossible to move inside the house. A gas cylinder pipe was even cut. Someone tried to blow it up. “If I came home earlier, I just had to turn on the light and it would explode”, cowardly Jacques.

We are afraid of reprisals

Fortunately, Jacques can count on the solidarity of his neighbors. He is currently staying with one of them. Others do not hesitate to offer him something to eat and some clothes while waiting for better. According to Jacques, the author is a neighbor in his forties, known to the neighborhood and who has been spreading terror for several years with impunity. “It terrorizes everywhere and makes people panic. We are afraid of reprisals. And now we can no longer do justice for ourselves. Especially since the police do nothing”, deplores Gérard, a resident of the town.

The suspect even reportedly warned Jacques of his misdeeds. “He said, ‘I’m going to blow up your barrack’. Well, he did!”, exclaims Jacques, who ensures that numerous complaints have been registered by the police of the commune.

In this small village of 800 souls, the injured resident feared further reprisals. Contacted by us, the acting bourgmestre confirms that an investigation is underway but for lack of evidence, the main suspect is still at large.

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