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Jackson Carman finally denies having eaten at Eminem’s restaurant

Posted on October 20, 2021 at 6:20 p.m.

through Leo

Launched in the restaurant business with the opening of its brand Mom’s Spaghetti in Detroit, Eminem found itself at the heart of a sacred controversy a few hours ago. Today the NFL player Jackson Carman reconsiders his words.

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“For information: I haven’t really tried Mom’s Spaghetti restaurant”

A few weeks ago, we learned that Eminem was about to open his pasta restaurant, Mom’s Spaghetti, in Detroit. Fans of the rapper in front of the sign on opening day were lucky enough to be served by Slim Shady himself. Passing through Detroit with the Cincinnati Bengals last weekend, the NFL player Jackson Carman asked his community where he could eat in Motor City. As many fans told him about Mom’s Spaghetti, the 21-year-old vomited on the pitch during his match. The Fairfield native then wrote on Twitter: “ I wouldn’t recommend going to eat at Mom’s Spaghetti when visiting Detroit. »

The American’s comments were picked up by media outlets around the world. Faced with the controversy, Carman wished to reconsider his statements. Followed by more than 20,000 people on Twitter, the player wrote on the social network: “ For information : Didn’t really try Mom’s Spaghetti restaurant while in Detroit, I was referring to the lyrics of an Eminem song. “What to calm the controversy concerning the restaurant of the rapper.

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