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Jackie Chan: The Enduring Spirit of the Civilian Hero

As soon as the first live broadcast started, the bullet screen was swiped, and there were only two words overwhelmingly, “Big Brother”. In the Chinese-speaking world, there may be only one person. When everyone calls him, they must add the suffix “big brother”, or simply call him “big brother”. This person is Jackie Chan. “Big Brother” has a reckless respect, but also a kindness regardless of age or gender. It is a small person who sincerely pays his respect.

These respects stem from Jackie Chan’s little man spirit that he always maintains no matter what his status is. It is a flesh and blood body that will hurt, make a fool of himself, and show an undisguised smile after he has done something. Through his image, the concept of “civilian hero” has entered the public’s field of vision. Behind this is the high-spirited optimism and grassroots spirit unique to the times and individuals. Jackie Chan himself is the best interpretation of this spirit of the times.

Today’s big brother Jackie Chan, is a small person, he was born in poverty, he was sent to theatrical troupe by his father when he was 7 years old, and later worked on the Shaw Brothers studio, from a small dragon and tiger martial artist, step by step to the international. In 2016, Jackie Chan won the Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award and became the “only” Kung Fu superstar in the hearts of countless Chinese. He proved to the audience the shining points of the little people, people can make a career while shouting and fearing pain.

Before becoming a superstar, he was the desperate police officer Chen Jiaju in “Police Story”, the naughty boy Huang Feihong in “Drunken Master”, and even the poor boy Chen Gangsheng who started from martial arts and made a fortune. He always remembers those days when he and his parents squeezed into a hut of more than ten square meters, and the family of three could only sleep on bunk beds. There was a foreign doctor who wanted to buy Jackie Chan for 1,500 Hong Kong dollars, and his father almost moved his mind.

When he was 7 years old, his father sent him to the China Theater Academy founded by Yu Zhanyuan to study Peking Opera and Kung Fu because of the change of work location. In the biography “I am Jackie Chan”, he recalled the day when he went to the troupe: “In the morning, my father made an exception and said that he would take me out to play. I was so happy. I went back to the room and changed into my favorite denim suit. A toy pistol, happily going out the door.”

Police Story” Jackie Chan plays the police officer Chen Jiaju Tuyuan movie “Police Story”

What greeted him was ten years of hard work: he had to get up at five o’clock in the morning to practice, and he could not go back to his room until late at night, and he slept less than 6 hours a day. After finishing his studies, he caught up with the decline of opera, and he began to do martial arts and play tricks in major movies. At that time, his greatest achievement was playing the double of Japanese actor Hiroshi Suzuki in “Fist of Fury” starring Bruce Lee in 1972. Like a sandbag, he was kicked by Bruce Lee four times and got the opportunity to appear on camera. .

He accumulated step by step in such hardships. He would go out at five o’clock every morning to take the bus to the set, thinking about how to make the breath-holding corpse more vivid-he couldn’t start holding his breath when he heard “start up”, but Note when the machine really cranks over. Because of these delicate handling, he was praised by the director for “death” the best. This experience was also borrowed by Zhou Xingchi and put in “The King of Comedy”.

In 1973, Bruce Lee passed away unexpectedly. For a while, all producers and directors hoped to present a second Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan was also one of the newcomers selected. It seems that after a long wait, the opportunity to become famous finally came. In 1976, Jackie Chan played Chen Zhen in “New Fist of Fury”.

But this attempt made Jackie very painful, and the film ended up being a dismal box office. In his memoirs published many years later, Jackie Chan said that he did not want to become a “new god”, he hoped to portray an ordinary person who just wandered between the streets and alleys and “knew some” kung fu.

This kind of self-expectation of being an “ordinary person” has always remained in Jackie Chan. Over the years, he has given up special effects and stand-ins, and has always maintained the habit of doing it himself in the play. Once, in order to shoot a long shot with one shot to the end, he fell freely from the outside of the big clock, fractured his neck bone, and broke the bridge of his nose. Later, in 1982, when filming the first “Dragon Heart” starring him .

He is always upbeat. In a “Diagram of Jackie Chan’s Whole Body Injuries” circulated on the Internet, he has undergone numerous operations on his body, and almost no part of his body has not been injured. But at the end of the movie, the injury and pain are usually dispelled in the mode of tidbits. In the camera, Jackie Chan grins his teeth, but still laughs heartily for a good action he just completed.

Jackie Chan’s entry into the film industry coincided with the time when Hong Kong’s economy took off and it became one of the “Asian Tigers”. The popularity of a series of life-oriented action comedies has become the most direct reflection of the vigorous spirit of the times, and this high-spirited and vital spirit of little people has also run through Jackie Chan’s film career. His dedication and humility have influenced generations of people on and off the screen. When filming “New Police Story”, the then 24-year-old Nicholas Tse declined Jackie Chan’s suggestion to let him use a double, and hung himself on the wall outside the 27th floor of the Central Harbor Government Building, and was almost in shock.

For movie audiences all over the world, in the narrative of Jackie Chan’s kung fu comedy, everyone can see themselves through him, and every ordinary person can also be a civilian hero.

This is why Jackie Chan is always honored as “Big Brother”. And his entry into Kuaishou at the end of 2021 has become a grand event for “ordinary people”. Celebrities, experts, and netizens are all celebrating this reunion with his big brother off the big screen. This is the world’s first short video social account opened by Jackie Chan. Within 8 hours of entering, the number of fans exceeded 10 million. Five days later, the total number of fans exceeded 50 million. The number of views of the first video exceeded 300 million, and the total number of views exceeded 78 100 million.

Different from the slightly official meeting videos of many celebrities, Jackie Chan called everyone “old iron” in the first video released. Having been famous for more than 40 years, he has been unremittingly “down-to-earth”, doing everything by himself, without putting on airs. In the video, he picked up familiar set props and recreated the highlights of many movies for Kuaishou users. After that, Jackie Chan posted a post to teach women self-defense, and also shared his interesting stories about raising dogs. You can tell he’s still the Jackie Chan who likes to try new things. In the comment area, everyone jokingly said that the eldest brother will be a neighbor in the future and will “drop in a lot”.

Among many video platforms, Kuaishou is always a bit different. There is less official politeness here, and less restraint when seeing “big shots”. The true state of joy and sorrow is shown. In the Kuaishou community, there is a lively atmosphere that matches the spirit of Chengshi Kung Fu comedy. This is where Kuaishou and Jackie Chan fit together. Whether it is the small characters in Jackie Chan Kung Fu comedy, the grassroots core, or Kuaishou’s definition of community and old iron, they all naturally pay attention to personal feelings and expressions, and pay attention to the lives and emotions of ordinary people. Here, ordinary and real people share laughter together. , creativity and fun.

This pleasant and rich sense of interaction was once again reflected in Jackie Chan’s live broadcast half a year later. The theme of that live broadcast was “the first time”, reviewing his career in Hong Kong and Hollywood, but what he showed was by no means the “glamorous” first time, but the first time he was scolded by the director for stealing the spotlight. Second-rate. After the live broadcast officially started, Jackie Chan showed off his kung fu and singing voice, sang “True Heroes” with Joey Yung and Daren Yoyodan, and also reviewed the past on the set with Nicholas Tse. In the meantime, comedy martial arts expert “Two Uncles’ Kung Fu Dream” performed a drunken boxing show. Jackie Chan responded with a smile. When talking with Huang Zitao, Jackie Chan was sympathetic to the younger generations, and also calmly faced aging and disease.

He never pretends to be himself. In the warm-up video, Jackie Chan specifically said to the screen, “The most important thing is you in front of the screen.” Over the years, celebrity “business” has become a norm. Many idols always want to keep exposure and always be glamorous in front of the camera, but Jackie Chan has never been like this. He has no intention of unfolding his life in all directions. In addition to promoting the movie, social media is almost full of nostalgia for old friends and personal feelings. He has always been that big brother, kind and restrained.

At the end of the live broadcast, Jackie Chan looked back on his own journey: “I entered school at the age of six and a half, from stand-in, martial arts, assistant martial arts instructor, actor, director, screenwriter…but I don’t care what kind of work I do. , I will really do my best, and slowly, I will be the me you know now.”

At this time, Jackie Chan in front of the mobile phone screen passed through the flowers and applause, and once again entered the life of every ordinary audience. The live broadcast was originally scheduled for one hour, but Jackie Chan insisted on chatting with everyone for two hours and 40 minutes before saying goodbye reluctantly. At this time, he is Jackie Chan, Chen Jiaju, and Chen Gangsheng, who stumbled and tumbled in the theater troupe when he was a child. He has just finished singing a song in the theater and is about to bow to the curtain call.

In the face of decades of sincere sincerity, Jackie Chan’s entire live broadcast has accumulated more than 230 million views, the number of simultaneous online users in the live broadcast room has exceeded 5.26 million, and the number of interactions has exceeded 320 million. It is Jackie Chan’s unique approachable “big brother” identity and attitude, combined with the ordinary people’s dreams admired by Kuaishou, that jointly created the last live broadcast gathering. Today, Jackie Chan has more than 58.8 million fans in Kuaishou.

On July 29, 2023, after a year, Jackie Chan started his second game in Kuaishou. This live broadcast reservation was only available for one day, and the number of reservations exceeded tens of millions. Compared with the first indoor chat, this time Jackie Chan will barbecue and sing, with the theme of camping chat and singing, and meet everyone with a more comfortable attitude. Gem, Gong Linna, Nazha, Xie Nan, Xu Zhisheng and Zheng Yecheng and other good friends will join in to help out.

In fact, whether it is work or life, Jackie Chan has always maintained the enthusiasm for creation and the vitality to adapt to new things. In the early years, Jackie Chan tied wire to his shoes and turned it into a “quick faller”, which greatly improved the shooting problem of actors falling slowly. Today’s parkour is also mostly influenced by Jackie Chan’s action scenes. It can be said that Jackie Chan has always been the pioneer of trends.

But this time, Jackie Chan walked out of the set without any business card or label, just an ordinary person who wants to relax in the vast world for a “summer”. He continued his previous high-spirited and positive attitude towards life, and enjoyed campfire camping, which is highly recommended by young people nowadays. Through the form of live broadcast, his personality charm, variety talent, and summer relaxation are presented to the “old iron” of Kuaishou in the most condensed and true appearance.

It will be a lively, unrestrained fun for ordinary people.


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