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Jackie Chan

Hong Kong actor, stuntman, film director, film producer, screenwriter, stunt and fight choreographer, singer, philanthropist, martial artist. 70 years old

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Here, in my head, I have a hole. They plugged it with a plastic stopper to keep the brains from falling out, and now when I sing, the plug starts to vibrate.

Producers call me fearless but you know what liars these producers can be.

Do you want to call me crazy? Please. The main thing is don’t call me a fool.

After I do some trick I always look at the camera. People need to understand that everything they just saw was done by me, not a stunt double. This is also why I always show bad takes. Coming out of a movie like Kramer vs. Kramer, people will never say, “Can you believe he did that sex scene without a stunt double?” But action films are a different matter. Coming out of them, people say: “Can you imagine, he did it himself – and is alive!”

Fear lives in me while the camera is off. Once the camera starts working, I’m ready for anything.

I could have become the most famous doctor in the world, and became the most famous patient in the world.

One doctor told me: “You are killing yourself. Maybe it’s time to stop? But you still won’t listen to me, ask yourself this question yourself.” I took his advice and actually asked myself that question. I still don’t know what to answer.

I used to think that you can’t make a good movie without breaking a few bones. Now it seems to me that this is still possible.

What, I’ve already acted in one hundred and two films?

I would like to become Asian Robert De Niro, if possible.

In musicals or high-tech special effects, we Chinese will never beat the Americans. But here’s something… Spielberg and I were talking the other day, and I kept admiring the scene from Jurassic Park where people and dinosaurs are mixed together with a moving camera. And he says: “Well, it’s very simple, Jackie. I have powerful computers. Tell me better, how did you film that jump in “Armor of God”?” I say: “Very simple: turn on the camera, jump, it’s filmed.”

American stuntmen very smart. They constantly think about safety, and if they need to fly a car into the frame, they calculate everything – speed, distance. But in Hong Kong we don’t know how to count. Everything we do is an assumption. If you have the courage, you just do what you set out to do, that’s all.

Everybody wants to be superman and he seemed to just want to be human.

I want, to be remembered the way Buster Keaton was remembered – funny and fearless.

Patron Saint Day – unprofitable product: It’s expensive and spoils quickly.

No need to try be just like me. Better learn programming.

There is a rule in my films: no sex scenes. If kids see me having sex, they might throw up.

Cleaning – it is a much more creative process than is commonly thought.

I eat whatever I want. If I eat ice cream, I’ll just train 20 minutes longer.

The one who took Coca-Cola and heard rap, will never return to traditional culture.

Old people in China still believe that along with food, ordinary street dust gets into their stomach, which rests there until you wash it off with goose blood. But this is nonsense, nonsense! When I was a child, everyone around me told me that if I wanted to grow wiser, I should eat pig brains. And I ate because I wanted to get smarter.

I have a dog and a whole pack of cats. My wife constantly says: “You spend more money on animals than on me.”

Money No one has yet been able to educate correctly.

When I’m sad I’m watching a movie with Bruce Lee.

Anyone better than me I consider him a role model.

Sometimes I want to play the villain. Then, finally, the first film will appear in which they kill me.

You never know, At what point does your body tell you to stop?

If God exists then, I hope, at the Last Judgment he will take into account that I just wanted to make people happy.

I have one problem: I hate violence.

Jackie Chan? Yes, this is just a myth.

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