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Jaap van Dissel warns against fourth wave


Jaap van Dissel Wednesday morning in the Lower House during a briefing about the corona virus.

(image anp / Sem van der Wal)

The hague

Only when the corona measures are not lifted until June 1, a fourth wave will almost certainly not occur. This is evident from new calculations that RIVM scientist Jaap van Dissel presented to the standing parliamentary committee for Health, Welfare and Sport on Wednesday.

As always, the calculations are surrounded by many uncertainties, Van Dissel emphasizes. For example, it is still unclear exactly what the softer spring weather will have as a dampening effect on the outbreak. However, Van Dissel wants to prevent the lockdown from being phased out too quickly, so that the virus can advance again.

With a summer wave of the virus and early termination of the measures, the number of patients with corona on the IC could rise to more than three.

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