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Jaak Aab: the state budget needs comprehensive changes

The Riigikogu’s Center Party faction’s amendments to the 2024 state budget draw attention to areas of concern that have not been resolved by the last two governments led by the Reform Party, says Jaak Aab, vice-chairman of the finance committee.

“Today’s government has left the majority of Estonian families at the mercy of the economic crisis, the tax changes serve the interests of the wealthier social class. Also, the coalition parties stand idly by as companies go bankrupt and unemployment increases. The Center Party’s amendment proposals highlight areas of concern in the Estonian state and society and also show the governments the direction of how to solve them,” he confirmed. Jaak aab.

According to Jaak Aabi, in a situation where Estonia’s economy has declined for seven quarters in a row, a package to revive the economy through public investments must be developed as a matter of urgency. “The coalition has several opportunities to stop the decline of the economy. The Center Party proposes to vigorously proceed with the construction of four-lane highways, the construction of the Rohuküla railway, support the Tallinn Hospital project and allocate additional funds to local governments for local investments,” listed the vice-chairman of the Center Party.

According to Jaak Aabi, it is unacceptable to leave lifeguards, policemen and teachers without a salary increase in the conditions of high inflation. “A 10 percent salary increase must be guaranteed for internal security workers and teachers. The need for additional money to increase teachers’ salaries is about 32 million euros,” the deputy specifies. “For a smooth transition to Estonian-language education, additional funds must be allocated to local governments. This money is intended for further training of teachers, new teaching materials and the hiring of assistant and support teachers.”

Jaak Aab notes that the government has reneged on the promise to raise the average old-age pension to 1,000 euros within four years. “The Center Party has consistently stood for an extraordinary pension increase, and our proposal is to increase the basic part of the pension by at least 30 euros every year and to raise the support of a pensioner living alone to 300 euros,” he says. “Additional money must also be allocated to implement the care reform and ensure support persons for children. The current funding is not enough for people to get the necessary support both at home and in welfare institutions.”

Jaak Aab believes that in a situation where Estonia has the lowest birth rate ever, it is necessary to stand up well in order to ensure a sense of security for families with children. “In order to improve the livelihood of families with children, we want to increase the child allowance for the first and second child of the family to 100 euros per month. Soaring inflation and rising food prices have affected the economic livelihood of many families. Unfortunately, the rapid rise in prices continues, and it is the state’s responsibility to come to the aid of families and support their livelihood,” says Jaak Aab.

Jaak Aab adds that the Center Party stands for the continuation of free county public transport and the maintenance of the Kopli rescue command, as well as raising the subsistence allowance limit to 250 euros.

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