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Izolan resigns from Arcahaie Football Club presidency

The armed attack undergone in Arcahaie on May 18, during a socio-cultural activity aimed at mobilizing funds for the Arcahaie Football Club (AFC), is considered by Jean Léonard Tout-Puissant (Izolan) as the last drop that spilled the vase.

Thursday, May 20, 2021 ((rezonodwes.com)) – According to the artist, malicious individuals are working to destroy the image of the town by resorting to violence and destroying the property of others. The facts go back to May 18, in Arcahaie during the organization of a cultural festival intended to raise funds for the management of the club engaged in the Concacaf competitions and to fulfill certain obligations to the players.

A group of individuals attacked the organizing committee and boycotted the cultural activity, deplores the artist. Jean Léonard Almighty. Tired of the actions of some supporters, he decided to go out of business, with a pang in his heart.

“ It is with the greatest sadness that I make the decision to leave the club. I also take the decision to give up participating in any cultural and sporting activity of the municipality ”, he wrote.

The rapper also evokes his social commitment to the community of Arcahaie affected by the decision. He underlines his contribution, providing the city with an ambulance service and supporting personnel management. These actions, according to Izolan, have greatly helped to remake the image of the City of the Flag. However, the survival of these initiatives remains uncertain to say the least.

The singer denounces reactionary forces which weaken the future of his hometown. He regrets that derogatory spirits oppose positive actions for the benefit of Arcahaie, while he considered himself their son.

With these reprehensible acts, the image of the municipality is paying the price. The incriminable behavior of citizens jeopardizes local and international investment. However, Jean Léonard Tout-Puissant, salutes the generosity, the collective spirit of certain notables and the esteem of some of the leaders for the cause of the team.

The experience was worth it. I wish all the best for the city and the Acahaie Football Club. I love you all” he concluded.

Herve Noel

[email protected]

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