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Ivorian press review

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French.china.org.cn | Updated on 12-06-2021-

Here is the main information on the front page of Ivorian newspapers published on Saturday:

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The Minister of Animal and Fisheries Resources, Sidi Touré, inaugurated an experimental farm with a capacity of twice 1,000 head of poultry at the Nangui Abrogoua University in Abidjan. According to Sidi Touré, this partnership translates into concrete actions the government’s desire to make Ivorian poultry farming a prosperous, competitive agro-pastoral sector, providing decent jobs and central to the fight against food insecurity in both urban and rural areas. . The government’s ambition is to achieve a qualitative production of 200,000 tonnes of meat and 3.37 billion units of eggs for consumption by 2030. Ivorian poultry farming has been boosted from around 32,000. tons of meat and 749 million egg units consumed in 2012, to more than 56,000 tons of meat and 1.651 billion egg units consumed in 2018.

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In order to provide the national education sector in Côte d’Ivoire with an accessible and powerful digital system, in order to boost digital transformation through learning and its digital management, a digital education project has been implemented in several country schools. Led by digital technology giant Huawei, one of the project laboratories is located in the classic high school of Cocody in Abidjan. According to Etienne Liu, president of Huawei West Africa, the first phase has already covered ten cities across the country and video protection systems, WiFi, multimedia room, e-learning platform, among others, are deployed in more than 74 establishments in Côte d’Ivoire.

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The Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage recorded 33 new cases of Covid-19 on Friday out of 1,938 samples taken, i.e. 1.7% of positive cases, 43 cured and zero deaths. As of Friday, Côte d’Ivoire therefore has 47,638 confirmed cases including 47,135 people cured, 306 deaths and 197 active cases. The total number of samples is 670,143. On June 10, 12,446 doses of Covid-19 vaccine were administered, for a total of 675,294 doses administered.

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