Home » today » News » Ivo Hristov in the EP: The actions of the EC lead to an escalation of the refugee problem – 2024-04-17 21:16:11

Ivo Hristov in the EP: The actions of the EC lead to an escalation of the refugee problem – 2024-04-17 21:16:11

/ world today news/ “The Commission and the Council should revise their assessments and urgently come up with peace initiatives for Ukraine and Gaza”, the Bulgarian MEP believes

Strasbourg, 20 November 2023 – “In 1989, the mass resettlement of GDR citizens to West Germany accelerated the collapse of the Soviet bloc. Today, the European Union is experiencing a migration crisis that is undermining its foundations. Unfortunately, this reading of the issue is wrong and heightens the risks.”

Ivo Hristov, a member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), stated this in his speech in the plenary hall of the European Parliament.

“The European Commission insists on solidarity solutions to the refugee problem, and at the same time, with its actions, it becomes the cause of its escalation. It organizes supplies of ammunition to Ukraine and cautiously comments on the escalation in Gaza,” Hristov also said.

According to him, it is precisely the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East that are critically increasing the migratory pressure, not to mention the constant flow of migrants across the Mediterranean Sea.

“Seven Schengen countries have already brought back various forms of control at the internal borders of the Zone. New migratory pressures from outside will only accelerate internal fragmentation.

“Realism requires the Commission and the Council to revise their assessments and urgently come up with peace initiatives for Ukraine and Gaza,” the Bulgarian MEP was emphatic.

To contact the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the EP:

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