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Ivo Arakov wants a session with Natalia Kobilkina

The end of the second season of “Sunny Beach” is approaching, and the last episodes, which will be broadcast from Monday to Thursday from 21.00 on bTV, will put the characters in front of another comic twist and will meet viewers with attractive new faces. Before the finale, the series will include sexologist Natalia Kobilkina, Latin dancer and choreographer Alfredo Torres, actor Vladislav Karamfilov (better known as Vladi Vargala), host Vitomir Saraivanov and one of the producers of the series – Andrei Arnaudov. Each of them will add more color to the colorful life of the Black Sea resort.

Natalia Kobilkina will arrive in Sunny Beach with enviable self-confidence. In front of the cameras she will be herself – a sexologist with a Russian accent, who is preparing a seminar on an intimate topic for hotel guests. By stepping into the lobby, he will identify a victim – the bellboy Georgi (played by Daniel Peev-Dundee), will label him an “average man” and will try to make him his obedient servant.

Nataliya Kobilkina

Photo: bTV

The on-screen Kobilkina will also use Gomez (Boyko Krastanov) for her professional purposes, and will unwittingly cause another shock in his relationship with Yvonne (Evelin Kostova), and the rich son Nikola (Yavor Baharov) will take advantage of the situation. Among the raging emotions, the staff will have to meet a potential buyer of the distressed hotel – a serious investor in whom viewers will recognize Andrei Arnaudov. Vitomir Sariivanov will be the leader of the auction.

Yavor Bakharov and Boryana Bratoeva

Yavor Bakharov and Boryana Bratoeva

Photo: bTV

After learning about her appearance, Mladen (Ivo Arakov) decided to attend the lecture. “Can I use a discount for one session, semester, seminar from a sex analyst?he asks hopefully, but no one pays attention to him.

The Savior and Darina (Lydia Indjova), who are expected to pass under the wreath, will also be at the center of events. The upcoming wedding of the scientist and the lifeguard will confront their parents, and the smoldering fire between the two families will ignite Mladen’s unrestrained father (Vladi Vargala). As a wedding agent we will see Alfredo Torres, who will masterfully play his role mainly with body language. At the last moment, the elegant dress of the bride will unexpectedly change its owner, and the celebration will hang in the balance.

Vladi Vargala, Anya Pencheva and Ivo Arakov

Vladi Vargala, Anya Pencheva and Ivo Arakov

Photo: bTV

The upcoming finale of “Sunny Beach” will put one of the favorite characters in the series in a difficult dilemma. Gomez (Boyko Krastanov) will receive an irresistible proposal, which, however, will be subject to an irrevocable condition. He will have to decide whether to put his long-term dreams and personal ambitions first or to prefer friendship, family and love. What he will choose will become clear in the last episode of the hit series, which will be broadcast on Thursday at 21.00 on bTV.

Alfredo Torres

Alfredo Torres

Photo: bTV

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