Home » World » Ivan Takov: The BSP group will not support Boris Bonev for SOS chairman – 2024-04-24 21:43:50

Ivan Takov: The BSP group will not support Boris Bonev for SOS chairman – 2024-04-24 21:43:50

/ world today news/ The decision was taken at a joint meeting of the Executive Bureaus of the National and City Councils of the Socialist Party

The members of the Executive Bureaus of the National and City Councils of the BSP decided that the group of socialists in the SOS would not support the candidacy of Boris Bonev for the chairmanship of the Metropolitan Municipal Council. This happened at a joint meeting of the two bodies today.

“We will not support Boris Bonev for SOS chairman, said Ivan Takov. – This is the decision of our collective governing bodies at the national and city level. It stems from our consistent position not to form coalitions or assemblies with the aim of participating at any cost in the governance of the Metropolitan Municipality. Of course, we are ready to talk about values-based policies with any political group in the SOS. The election of a chairman in itself is meaningless if we do not agree on the priorities on which the Metropolitan Municipal Council will work. We have very clearly stated priorities in our work. We presented them to the citizens of Sofia before and during the election campaign, and now it is time to act for their realization. I am firmly convinced that yesterday began a new period in the development of our city.”

The chairman of BSP – Sofia and the group of socialists in SOS was categorical that the party’s governing bodies will not allow compromises with the basic values ​​of freedom, justice and solidarity, through which the city should be governed. “The different philosophy that we have for the development of Sofia and which was so well received by the citizens in the election campaign, requires from us responsibility and firmness in our actions, he added. – I have already stated several times that the BSP group in SOS will supports any initiatives that correspond to our basic values. We are ready to participate in drawing up a clear plan for the implementation of the main policies on which we have points of contact with the other political groups in SOS”.

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