Home » today » Entertainment » Iván Hermes, the actor of ‘When leaving class’ who went bankrupt and now makes a living on the street

Iván Hermes, the actor of ‘When leaving class’ who went bankrupt and now makes a living on the street

Iván Hermes was Flipe in ‘On leaving class’ a character that earned him fame and made him become a teen idol. The actor got the role of his life at the end of the 90s, in a hard working world, that of acting in which anything can happen. Felipe Flipe Cortes was in the fashion series of those times until its end in 2002, 20 years later the life of this successful actor of the moment is very different.

‘After class’ Ivan Hermes is the actor who went bankrupt and now makes a living on the street

Work in the world of interpretation is not easy. A role like the one played by Ivan Hermes is a lottery that doesn’t always end well. From 1997 to 2002, he played the role of Flipe, one of the main characters in ‘When I leave class’. After being one of the mainstays of the Hermes series, he had trouble coping with fame.

At the age of 24, he had achieved something that many try their whole lives, a role that would make him nationally known. Going down the street and having everyone know your name is something that greatly affected him and against which he fought even with professional help that accompanied him in the process of getting his career back on track.

He decided to leave television to focus in the theater. Iván is a born actor who knows very well how to give the best of himself on stage or on a television set. The theater became the main source of income for a young man in his twenties. Doing some little steps in the cinema and with works behind him, he did not manage to survive, only to cover holes.

He separated from his wife, with whom she has a 5-year-old boy and for professional reasons her ex-partner moved to Barcelona. There, Iván Hermes survives as a street musician, earning a salary that helps him stay afloat and watching his little one up close. At the moment he has no intention of returning to Madrid and despite the efforts to return to television at 46 years old, it seems complicated. Life has given this successful actor of the late 20th century moments of all kinds.

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