Home » today » Entertainment » Ivan Dorn confessed his love for the Ukrainian language

Ivan Dorn confessed his love for the Ukrainian language

“I am Ukrainian and that’s it. It’s not a question of bloods or even DNA. That is, not some genetic stories. But ethnicity, which you feed on, culture, mentality. You get all this here and become Ukrainian,” Dorn said.

The journalist asked him what language he had in his dreams. To which Dorn replied that in Russian, since the Ukrainian language is not his native one.

The musician admitted that in Slavutych, where he grew up, at that time the Ukrainian language at school he only appeared in the 5th grade. Now it’s hard to imagine this.

He also stressed that if earlier it was difficult to hear the Ukrainian language on the streets, now the situation has changed. Dorn admitted that he was even ashamed that he did not speak the state language of Ukraine fluently.

The musician said that he does not write in Ukrainian, but wants to write better texts in this language.

Ivan Dorn – “You’re Gone Today” (video: YouTube)

It should be noted that Ivan Dorn recently released a video for his Ukrainian song “You are dumb with this.”

Ivan Dorn – “You’re Gone Today” (video: YouTube)

Recall that Dorn was born on October 17, 1988 in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. At the age of two, his parents moved to the city of Slavutich, which is located in the Kiev region.

Interestingly, before he bore the surname of his father – Eremin, and when the parents divorced, the mother suggested changing the surname to hers so that her son would not have anything to do with his father.

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