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Iva Miteva was elected Speaker of the National Assembly – Elections 2021 – Bulgaria – Hello, Bulgaria

The deputies elected Iva Miteva as Speaker of the National Assembly. It was proposed by “There is such a people.” He received support from 137 deputies, 1 voted against and 99 abstained.

The second proposal was for Christian Vigenin of the BSP. He received support from 35 MPs.

Zaykova to the deputies: Work together for the dream of Bulgaria (VIDEO)

“July 12 marked the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Bulgarian Constitution, according to which Bulgaria is a republic with a parliamentary government. The National Assembly occupies a paramount place in the state system and as a national representative body, expressing the will of the people, determines the main policies of the government in all spheres of public life. The National Assembly exercises parliamentary control and thus exercises parliamentarism. A strong parliament means a direct relationship with the people, a constant search for responsibility in the members of the Council of Ministers, so that they are more careful in their actions, “Miteva said from the parliamentary rostrum.

“Leaving true to universal values ​​- freedom, equality, justice, tolerance – we must strive to fulfill the principles of the rule of law – legality, legal certainty, prohibition of arbitrary executive power, independent and effective judicial control, respect on the basis of human rights, equality before the law, “she added.

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“According to the Constitution, we MPs act in accordance with our conscience and conviction,” she added. He added: “We must remember what we were elected for, to hear and follow the will of the people, to think and speak as MPs, because this requires true parliamentarism and, most importantly, we must not forget where we came from.”

Opening of the 46th National Assembly (VIDEO)

She was adamant that the commitments made to Bulgarian citizens must be fulfilled through the adoption of specific legislation for a higher standard of living, for better health care, for better education, for achieving real judicial reform.

“I believe that in this parliament we will adopt laws under which all Bulgarian citizens can live with dignity,” said Iva Miteva.

Six vice-presidents were also elected. They are Victoria Vasileva from “There is such a nation”, Rositsa Kirova from GERB-UDF, from “BSP for Bulgaria” – Christian Vigenin, from “Democratic Bulgaria” – Atanas Atanasov, from MRF – Mukaddes Nalbant, and from “Stand up BG! We are coming ”- Tatiana Doncheva.


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