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Iva Kubelková recorded her debut album: Michal Pavlíček is a master of the atmosphere

The fact that Iva Kubelková is, in addition to many of her professions, also a singer will probably be a novelty for many listeners.

When did you actually start “flirting” with singing?
More intensely four years ago, when I started attending singing lessons. I took them to the piano lessons, to which I wanted to return years later.

Was it a difficult way for you to dare to sing in public?
A little yes. It wasn’t my intention at all. Singing made me happy and helped me to a certain relaxation. It has become for me a kind of tool for expressing and communicating emotions. At first, I really sang for myself for quite some time. After a while, I had the opportunity to sing in front of the audience, and then it was with me.

You always wanted to release a record, was it your dream?
He wasn’t. Maybe for the last three years. Before, I wouldn’t even dare to think that I could have my own record with my own lyrics. I didn’t believe myself. But my beloved surroundings motivated me a little. And then one day I somehow allowed myself to do it internally and realized that one often stands in the way alone. I was very relieved and started planning my music debut.

You directly approached the renowned Michal Pavlíček to cooperate. So you do not lack courage. Have you decided on that step for a long time?
No longer. After I decided to go for it, I knew I wanted the record to be as good as possible. I don’t do things halfway. I’d rather not do them at all. Michal was a clear choice for me – whether as a composer, guitarist, or as a producer who led me as a performer.

Explain it a bit – how did Michal Pavlíček react, how did your cooperation form? It seems that everything went perfectly smoothly…
I contacted him via e-mail if he would write me one or two songs. I sent him some of my recordings of singing and inspiration, as I would like the record to sound. He wrote me that he did not completely reject the idea and that he would think about it. And then he didn’t call for half a year…

I thought it would stay that way, but suddenly I received an email from him saying he had something for me. I came to see him, he released two demo recordings, which I really liked. So I took one of his tunes and composed the lyrics for it. It evoked such a strong emotion in me that the text just came out of me alone. Then he sent me another song and I wrote another lyrics. And so it went on and on. This created a record that we worked on for two years.

In those texts you have decided to reveal your feelings and emotions, you give them an insight into the female soul. It was hard?
I don’t feel it was hard. It just flowed naturally out of me. I have no problem revealing my feelings and opinions. All the lyrics are about topics that we all experience in life, only each in a different setting. They are a kind of my map and reflect joys and sorrows, inner conversations and external attitudes.

Did you find out that you have the lyrical skills only during your collaboration? Or have you written any lyrics in a so-called drawer before?
As a child, I wrote poems. But clearly the lyrics are my first. I started creating something about three years ago. And it was only with Michal, as I said, that everything went very far. It was also due to the fact that he liked my lyrics. When I realized how many of them he had already read, it gave me courage and I continued to write.

The result of your efforts is a remarkable album that was released by Warner Music. What are your plans for him? Will you go to concerts with him?
Thank you very much. I also plan to do that. Although planning for a live performance today is a bit of suicide… But I would definitely like to do a smaller tour associated with this record. About spring, when God gives. And I also think it’s important for listeners to get used to the fact that I recorded the record. So it’s all maybe just so timed.

In general – what did the cooperation with Michal Pavlíček give you?
An invaluable experience, the joy of creating, a love of interpreting your own lyrics, beautiful songs he composed for me – Michal is simply a master of atmosphere. And I think that our cooperation also gave me a good friend, whom I respect very much.

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