Home » News » IU presents amendments to the budget of La Rioja for a value of 14 million euros

IU presents amendments to the budget of La Rioja for a value of 14 million euros


The spokesman of the United Left parliamentary group, Henar Moreno, announced the presentation of partial amendments to the budgets for 14 million euros, which aim to “significantly improve the implementation of the budgets”.

In terms of health, in addition to the two million reached to strengthen primary care, he underlined his desire to improve the conditions of the workers of the Sociedad Riojana Ciudadanos Integrales SAU (SOS Rioja-112 and Sanitary Transport) for whom they have allocated 500,000 euros, to which they add another 200,000 euros for the reform of the rooms of the Hospital de Calahorra, or the project of the Health Center of Lardero, endowed with 30,000 euros.

In terms of equality, they supported the promotion of rural women’s associations; increase the resources of UGT and CCOO in terms of equality officers for the promotion of equal employment between men and women, for which an additional €83,000 is available for each union.

At Cultura, Moreno indicated his intention to increase ‘Campovinarte’ or ‘Sonoverso’ in Berceo by 15 thousand euros, as well as betting on cultural enterprises of entertainment and music, without forgetting the maintenance work of the Riojano University. He also proposes to create a helpline for municipalities to hire cultural promotion technicians.

The creation of a “makerspace” in Camprovin or the covered construction and maintenance of the municipal paddle tennis courts of Néjera, as well as the purchase of one of the oldest houses for the municipal archive of Haro, are other actions highlighted by the spokesman of UI.

As regards agriculture, he asked for a contribution from the Association of family wineries for the management and promotion costs of small wineries or for the control and promotion of compliance with the supply chain law between farmers and intermediaries, for 150,000 euros.

In Education, Moreno is asking for 100,000 euros in aid for the activities, as well as the launch of the Chair of Social Dialogue and the Chair of Social and Solidarity Economy, as well as the expansion of the Santo Domingo Hospitality School, and the project to build an IES in Villamediana de Iregua.

In Social Services, calls for the acquisition by the Minister of Social Services of adequate housing for the transition of people with autism to an independent life, allocated 350,000 euros, and the creation of a public company in La Rioja that offers home help services . municipalities, in order to improve the conditions of service and working conditions of women workers.

In Employment and Labor Policy, the organization requests a fair to promote the social and solidarity economy in La Rioja and provides the Alternative and Solidarity Economy Network with funds to promote the social and solidarity economy in La Rioja.

In addition, Moreno is involved in a plan for the management of the Alto Najerilla Natural Park or cooperative social housing in assignment of use.

In the Fiscal and Administrative Provisions, he calls for the reform of the Law on cooperatives for the inclusion of two new figures: housing cooperatives in assignment of use and energy cooperatives; and establish a 5-year moratorium on permitting new large-scale intensive livestock ranches (macrofarms) in our community.


Finally, when asked by journalists about the statements by the Minister of Health, María Somalo, that one of the “last” options to reduce surgical waiting lists could be to make an agreement with Los Manzanos, Moreno said he claimed to have a telephone conversation with her and indicated that it was not in the Government’s plans to recover this collaboration.

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