Home » today » Health » Ituri: At least 66,000 children expected for measles vaccination in the Mandima health zone

Ituri: At least 66,000 children expected for measles vaccination in the Mandima health zone

Sixty-six thousand children aged between 6 months and 10 years are expected to be vaccinated against measles in the Mandima Health Zone, in the Mambasa territory in Ituri. This campaign which began this week is initiated by the Provincial Health Division with the support of the NGO Médecin d’Afrique.

Measles has claimed the lives of about a hundred children in this health zone. The chief medical officer of the zone, Dr Job Bakwata, is urging parents to prepare their children at vaccination sites in an attempt to contain the deadly disease.

Eighteen health districts including Mandima, Makeke, Teturi, Byakato and Bela are scheduled to receive measles vaccination sites in the Mandima health zone in Mambasa territory. It is to combat the spread of this disease in these entities that have experienced abuses by ADF rebels and Mai-Mai groups that the health authorities have initiated a response campaign.

Dr Job Bakwata, chief medical officer of the Mandima area, added that this campaign will continue next week in neighborhoods and avenues to curb the spread of measles, of which around a hundred cases have already been reported since the beginning of this year in the community.

For his part, the delegate of Médecin d’Afrique indicates that this action is an emergency response to the multiple needs of this category of people affected by the security crisis which persists in the region.

The local authorities and customary chiefs who took part in this ceremony call on parents to prepare their children to receive this vaccine.

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