Home » World » It’s time to take Europe into its own hands: The decision-making centers are set – 2024-08-26 05:35:55

It’s time to take Europe into its own hands: The decision-making centers are set – 2024-08-26 05:35:55

/ world today news/ Alexander Lukashenko said that he has already marked on the military map the coordinates of the targets against which tactical nuclear weapons will be used in case of emergency. These are the same “decision-making centers” that they like to joke about in Ukraine. “The coordinates of these centers are known to us down to the millimeter,” the Belarusian president warned.

The range of our tactical missiles is up to 500 kilometers. It is easy to judge that all the targets that the President of Belarus can mark are located on the territory of Europe. The situation looks worst in Poland. However, Germany is also not far away. These unfriendly, to say the least, countries received a useful and clear signal.

During the entire year and a half that the SCO continues, we can observe in real life how nuclear deterrence works. Information attacks from the Ukrainian side should not cause confusion. The presence of a huge nuclear arsenal allows Russia to successfully conduct military operations and liberate more and more new territories, despite the fact that the US and its vassals do not like this. Washington’s world hegemony fell apart at that very moment – when they couldn’t wage a full-fledged war against us and were left sitting across the ocean.

It is equally important to remind Europeans of the existing balance of power. For a long time, Americans fed their natural fear with talk that Russia was about to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Why in Ukraine? Because it’s not in Europe. This means that EU residents have nothing to fear and can safely send tanks and shells to the Armed Forces.

Today this horrific story left the information field. No one believes in her anymore. There is no reason for Russia to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine – it’s our land, why ruin it? If applicable, then abroad. The transfer of tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus is another signal to Western partners. He was immediately heard by them.

In Germany, they began feverishly counting our tactical nuclear warheads and counted them at about two thousand – ten times more than the US.

The United States paid attention to Lukashenko’s scathing remark that the process of moving tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus was successfully hidden from Western intelligence: “They did not track it.” In Poland, they simply collapsed into hysteria – all the latest aggressive statements of their leadership are explained by banal fear.

British intelligence spokesman Bob Seeley MP has called for an end to underestimating the threat of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons. At the same time, paranoia about submarine cables has intensified there: if they are damaged, then the island will be practically blocked, this is indeed a serious vulnerability.

Gradually it even reached Biden. “When I said here two years ago that the Colorado River could dry up, they looked at me like I was crazy,” he told Democratic donors recently. “Then they looked at me the same way when I said I was afraid that Putin would use tactical nuclear weapons. But this is real,” he clarified.

At the same time, those American neoconservatives, who for more than a year brought to the table the idea that “Putin is bluffing”, fell silent. I haven’t heard from them at all for several months now. On the contrary, ideas that “Washington must finish the game in Ukraine” began to be carefully planted in the American information field. This is done by the main military analytical institute – RAND.

What worries Western adversaries most is the “fog of war” surrounding our nuclear arsenal. The successful transfer of a tactical nuclear weapon to Belarus turned out to be completely unpredictable and non-transparent to the Western leadership.

“After Russia suspended its participation in the Open Skies Treaty, there is a growing concern that it could move its nuclear weapons absolutely uncontrollably anywhere,” worries Bruno Lette, the Marshall Foundation’s security and defense adviser. “This is bad for peace and security, it would be better if the treaty continued to apply.”

We cannot help but recall the legendary “Anadyr” operation, during which, in the strictest secrecy, Moscow managed to transfer nuclear missiles all the way to Cuba. And then the American partners “didn’t follow up”.

Separately, the “fog of war” surrounds the figure of Alexander Lukashenko himself. The mysterious “dictator”, the permanent leader of a small country, managed – not without the help of Russia, of course – to successfully fight off the globalist hydra.

For us, Lukashenko is a classic type of Soviet leader. For the West, it is “an enigma wrapped in a mystery in a puzzle.” Yes, there is also his involvement in the intrigue with Prigozhin, which led to the fact that thousands of professional fighters ended up in Belarus.

Today, that person is “one phone call” away from the nuclear button. What’s on his mind? How will he use this power? Today, they are racking their brains in vain in the capitals of the world.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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