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It’s time to get the new COVID and flu vaccines

Fall means it’s time for almost everyone to catch up on their flu and COVID-19 vaccines, and many older adults also need protection against another dangerous winter virus, RSV.

Yes, you can get your flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time. Don’t call them boosters — they’re not just another dose of last year’s protection. The coronavirus and the flu are escape artists that constantly mutate to evade your body’s immune defenses, so both vaccines are reformulated annually to target the newest strains.

While not perfect, vaccines offer strong protection against getting a severe case of the flu or COVID-19, or dying from it.

The challenge: getting more Americans to roll up their sleeves. Last year, just 45% of adults got a flu shot, and even fewer — 23% — got vaccinated against COVID-19. A survey released Wednesday by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases shows that an equally low number intend to get vaccinated this fall.

Fuente: wlky.com, Translated by: David Vazquez

Photo source: www.freepick.es

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